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This page is dedicated to the television series Quantum Leap.

The show was based upon a top secret project which allows "Sam" to time-travel within his own lifetime. Unfortunately, the project was threatened by a lack of funding and Dr. Samuel Beckett was forced to 'leap' before everything was ready.

During the 'leap', Sam physically replaces someone. Although we see 'Sam', the people around him still see the person he has replaced--rather it be a man, woman, or whatever. Al always knows who Sam has become. However, Sam only sees the person that he has switched places with when he looks in the mirror.

Sam's mission is to right things that have gone wrong--although he is never sure what is 'wrong' until the episode is ending. He is the only one who can 'leap' himself home. Unfortunately, the leap has somehow "swiss-cheesed" his memory.



is the project's egotistical computer. "Her" personality was possibly influenced by Dr. Samuel Beckett's late wife, Dr. Donna Alessi. Ziggy has a tendency to crash or fail at the most inopportune time, leaving Sam and Al at the mercy of the moment. Remember, the project is built around Sam and Al's brain waves.


is Ziggy's operator. He also controls the imaging chamber which allows Al to appear to Sam via a "neurological hologram" process. Al speaks with Gooshie, often while Sam idly watches.


is the co-founder of the project. He once was an admiral and has a tendency to be an eccentric dresser. Al tries to help Sam by passing along information provided by Ziggy.

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Quantum Leap is a production of Belisarius copyrighted 1989 by Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved. All reproductions are for entertainment value only. No copyright infringement intended.

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