They're he-e-re!
Language Lesson Of The Day: "Poltergeist" comes from the German words poltern, "to knock", and geist, meaning "spirit".
At long last, the Poltergeist 2 is available on CD from! Use the links above to purchase the disc! You can also purchase the special edition DVD containing Poltergeist 2 and 3!
This page has been started to honor one of the greatest movie Trios ever: The Poltergeist Movies. While this page has a lot of information on all 3 of the movies, it will focus on one of the greatest movie characters ever created: Henry Kane. He was/is the old twisted undead reverend in the movie "Poltergeist II: The Other Side."
His appearance in this movie transformed a sub-par plot into one
of the better films of the 80s. Kane (Played by Julian Beck)
absolutely dominated this film. His brief appearance made the
story ten times what it was and his bony, unearthly way has
burned itself into my mind to the point where it has put a face
on the boogie man for me.
In speaking with others those of you who have visited this page, you wont believe how many people feel the same way!
This is my tribute to a great actor, a great character, a great movie, and one damn scary person!!
This page has gone from almost nothing to what it is now! We have a mailing list, a chat room, a web ring and tons of information! People like you have made this a great page! Thanks!

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You can now view the trailer from the Poltergeist website! Go to the MEDIA section on the frame on the right of the page!
Interested in Poltergeist toys and action figures? Find out how we can get them by clicking here!
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Poltergeist, Poltergeist II: The Other Side, and Poltergeist III are copyright 1982, 1986, and 1988 by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Inc.