Always under construction. Last updated on December 22nd, 1999

Ok, so the button was added on Aug 21, 2000, but that doesn't count! :p

Beware what we bored people can do! :)

You are number
Made with 800x600 resolution and 24bit color on Netscape 4.6

Now a moldy oldy spu! Still just as bad! Worse! Skip it! :)

Welcome to Norns in the Mist. Creatures is one of my favorite games, but I don't have a lot of time to play so updates to this page are not as often as I'd like. This page is rich with really bad spelling. Please tell me if you find broken links and other wrong stuff and I'll come red-faced with embarrassment and change it. Well that's it, really. Stop reading and get to the rest of the page already! There's nothing else here!

Whats new?

12/22/99: Well, I somehow ened up making a new breed over to last few days... kinda. Take a look at the brand new Shoe Norns. :)

12/15/99: Not much updated, just some more fanfic chapters and I added a link to the C100 voting thingy at the *very* bottom of the page. All votes are welcome. :)

11/26/99: Well, I've got colored grendels and ettins on my C3 page now. Some may have noticed (and when I say noticed I mean I told you and made you come here to look at it) that I've added a fanfiction page in place of my link the C-tb. Now I've got links to the *new* story that I'm writting (Creatures - the Legacy) as well as little stories I've done over the years and some referance material for my storyline that someone somewhere might find interesting.

11/06/99: C3 has been realesed in the US and I've already got the game and have put together a small C3 page. I don't have my norns up yet, but will soon. I have some screen shots of the new norns/ettins/grendels/etc and some tips users may find useful. I'll have animations up as soon as I can figure out how to open the new c16 files :)

07/09/99: It's here! The first results of the JRC Grendel run! Click the links in the navbar to download the new grendels or to see the statistics!

Please remember that almost all the images (except for the one that are obviously from Cyberlife) on these pages were animated or created by ME Give me credit if you put them up, or I'll send him after you.

Just another silly one of Amethyst's pages.

Comments, questions, praise? Then mail me here.


I got it for free at