I can think of many reasons to end the Worf/Jadzia romance, here are a few. (The opinions expressed here (Unless I've noted it differently) are my own. If one of my reasons sounds like something you've read off of a J&J page or an anti-J/W page, then you probably read it on that other page):
1. It is turning DS9 into a soap opera and therefore pulling the ratings down even further.
2. Worf and Jadzia are always arguing about one thing or another. You can't get through one episode without them finding something to fight about.
3. Those two together are like the Federation and Dominion reaching a peace agreement.
4. Worf is easily possesed to commit suicide, and I would not be surprised if he came up with a "If you were a Klingon woman we would already have killed ourselves," speech to blab at Jadzia (I mean, he's already done the "If you were a Klingon woman we would already be married" routine).
5. Worf was all obsesed about marrying Jadzia in a hurry, is he thinking that the faster that he gets married then the faster that Deanna will forget about him? :)
6. Speaking of getting married, first Worf is all annoyed because Jadzia didn't marry him right after "Looking for Par'Mach ..." and then 6 months later Jadzia has to spell it out for him when she says that she'll marry him. Does he want to get married or what!?!?
7. Worf expects Jadzia to be a Klingon, which she will never be.
8. Worf should be seeing a shrink, Jadzia should be seeing Julian.
9. Julian and Jadzia would have the cutest, happiest little kids(And Julian would be more than happy to take care of them on his own). Worf and Jadzia would have grouchy kids with birth defects(Whom Worf would most likely leave Jadzia to care for).
10. Jadzia respects other people's beliefs. Worf spends all day tying to change them.
11. Last I heard, Worf and Troi were spending evenings in the holodeck together.
12. Worf whines about Jadzia's "lack of commitment" but have he and Deanna broken up yet?
13. Jadzia has mastered the " oh so difficult" skill of using her brain. Worf has not.
14. Worf is one of the reason's why DS9's ratings are falling. Jadzia is the reason why the show hasn't been cancled yet.
13. Does Jadzia even know about Alexander?
15. Speaking of poor Alexander, now he's complaining about how Worf used to always send him away to go live with his grandparents on Earth all the time (or is my memory failing me?)I wonder if Worf would do the same to Jadzia. Hmmmmm? :)
16. Worf won't tell Jadzia that he's going off to battle and not taking her with him for some stupid reason having to do with Klingon tradition until the last minute. Julian, on the other hand, tells Jadzia in advance when he isn't going to let her go out on a mission and his reason for not letting her go out is because of the fact that he is concerned about her health, not because he wants to have all the glory for himself.
17. The only way that Jadzia ever finds out that Worf is going out to risk his life doing something stupid is from Sisko.
18. Worf seems to have a BIG problem trusting Jadzia to not go cheat on him.
19. I bet if Worf had his way, he'd have Jadzia on a dog leash, LITERALLY, so he could control her every move! (Well, he sure acted like it in "Let He Who Is Without Sin")
20. Worf used to seem awful insecure about his relationship with Jadzia, but he didn't do anything about it besides trying to control her every move, definatly not the solution to the problem.
22. This relationship also seems to really be degrading on Jadzia's character. At first she seemed interesting and independent, now she just seems stupid wasting time with Worf. Personally, I liked her better before... That Klingon came along to suck the life out of her.
23. Worf insists on changing people to live the way he wants them to (a majory destroyer of relationships) while Jadzia just puts up with him.
And of course, something I could never have thought of:
Drblasfemy@aol.com adds:
"Just how many bastard children does Worf have out there? Besides Alexander,
Worf could also have one with the half Klingon/Romulan broad Baek from the
prison planet he went to."

I know those bite, so does anyone have any ideas????E-mail me