Hi world! Weclome to the best and the first webapge that I have ever created getting more hits than all of my other pages put together. I was considering letting this page crash with y2k and just start a new one but since this one is getting so popular I think I'll just remodel it. This will take a long time so please forgive any broken images or links and the like until I fix everything up again.
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There wasn't enough room on this page for all of my webrings, you can visit the rest of the rings here.

Assimilation Ring Member of the Week!!!
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Webmaster: Jade Dixon E-mail: Jadzia288@geocities.com.
Last Updated: April 1st, 2000
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Star Trek:Deep Space Nine
and anything else relating to DS9 besides my links to other pages, fanficton written by others ( all of which use characters and some places that belong to Paramount), and my oppinions on the show
are the property of Paramount Pictures,and are trademarked and/or copyrighted (whatever!!!! :-) ) by Paramount with no infringemet intended. All of this is being used WITHOUT their permission for 2 reasons, first, it would take too long to get, and second, they probably wouldn't give it to me :) And all I have to say to them is don't harrass us if we're not sellin stuff or making money off our sites, we're promoting the show for free, and we want nothing in return for it except to run our websites in peace. We're breathing life back into the series you insist on killing, so I bet that's why you don't want websites around cause they make it harder for you to kill the show.
Another Note:
The author of the story "After the Fall" told me that I posted part 7 of her story without permission, but she had given me permission to post parts 1-6. I had added part 7 when she sent it to me to the rest of the story she sent me and forgot to remove it when I posted it here so she requested that I remove it and asked for her permission to post it. I apologize for any trouble this has caused and I've removed that story.
© 1997-2000