Character Information




Han and Chewie could be introduced in Episode III, when Han rescues a party of Wookie slaves, including.Chewbacca. As all of you know Wookies can get much more older than humans. (This is a very sensitive information since Harry pointed out that it could be wrong.)



Bountyhunter Boba Fett is going have a secondary role and if you believe the rumors he will be himself piloting the Millennium Falcon. Boba Fett will be a secondary character and the speculation that he himself pilots the Falcon remains to be one. His Copilot is pretended to be Captain Antilles, Wedges Dad. Boba Fett isnīt called Boba Fett at first and isnīt a Mandalorian either. While a huge battle with Jedi Knights, Antilles and Boba Fett split up and the Captain (Solo like Character)will square of against Fett, who is becoming a Mandalorian. (Same thing as the Han & Chewie news: very sensitive!)


Anakin Skywalker aka Darth Vader is in it too. He is definatly a (the) major character in
the prequels. At first he will be a young talented boy, who becomes an excellent pilot and
Jedi Knight under Obi Wan Kenobis Hands. In Episode II or at the end of I he falls to the dark side.


C3-PO is in it too, and R2 should be in the Prequels either.


Yoda will be there as a computer animated character. Rumors i heard say that Yoda is
more or less a Jedi Trainer. He hasnīt fought for years and pushes all his energies in training Jedi Knights.


Princess Leias and Luke mom is in it, too. The character name is The Queen.



There are some strong rumors about a race of Cosmic beings (see Special FX section) but nothing specific, yet.

the Hutt

I think you all know the lines from the "Return of the Jedi" novel when Jabba says:"Your mind powers will not work on me, boy. I am not affected by your human thought pattern."..."I was killing your kind when being a Jedi meant something." This leads to the simple question: Did Jabba was an aid to the others who killed the Jedi? The latest rumors say so. George Lucas stated in the french Studio magazine that Jabba will be in the Prequels but he said nothing specific.



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