Kelli's Room

Hello, everyone. I have not worked on this page in a really long time, so you will have to bear with me. My name is Kelli Anne Rachel Johnson, and from seeing the last time that I updated this page, I am really busy. So I decided to update this page, and I will doing things like this more regularly.

Here is a little bit of biographical information about me. I was born December 16, 1977 in Lewiston, NY. So that would make me 22 years old right now. I was raised in the wonderful Honeymoon Capital of the World, Niagara Falls. Since I lived in LaSalle, it made perfect sense to send me to Henry J. Kalfas Elementary School in Downtown Niagara Falls, and not 95th street school which was nine blocks away. But I only went there for Kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd grade. Then I transferred to Harry F. Abate Elementary for the Merit Program, which is kewl. Went there until sixth grade, when the school decided to have middle school. So for sixth to eighth grade I went to LaSalle Middle School. And then to complete the sequence I went to LaSalle Senior High School, and graduated in 1996, valedictorian of my class. Currently I am a senior at Elmira College, and will be graduating on June 4, 2000 at 11 am.

So by now I am guessing that you are interested in my college career and why I have been too busy to update my page. Here is why:

These are the classes that I have taken since freshman year:
      Basic Biological Concepts I, Chemistry I, English 1000, Community Service, Core 1000, Basic Biological Concepts II, Ice Skating, Psychology, Communications, The History of Television, Physical Conditioning, Tap Dance, Calculus III, Statistical Methods, Introduction to Computer Programming, Linear Algebra, Introduction to Education, Survey of Computer Science, Operations Analysis and Modelling, Shakespeare and His Contemporaries, Core 2000, Number Theory in History, The US Media in the Non-Western World, Abstract Algebra, Data Structures, Discrete Mathematics, Asian History I, Ordinary Differential Equations, Core 3000, Ancient Greek, Introduction to Probability, Civil War in Book Field and Film, Myths Mysteries and Frauds, Math Seminar, Internship, Shakespeare, and Ancient Greek II.

In this term that is just starting, I am taking Introduction to Computer Organization, Socratic Dialogues, Numerical Methods, Math Seminar, and CPR/Basic First Aid.

If that did not seem enough, I am also involved in various campus activities, here are some that I am currently involved in, and that I have been involved in:      Tompkins Dorm Council, Student Senate, Newsletter Committee, Scholarship Committee, PAL Club, College Republicans, Student Activities Board, Orientation Leaders, Student Alumni Council, Student Alumni Council Public Relations Chair, Cowles Hall Tour Committee, PAL Club Senator, Beta Beta Beta, Danceline, Orchesis, and EC Ambassadors.

I also work as a dorm tutor in Alumni Hall, one of the freshmen dorms.

Recently, I took the Graduate Record Exam, and here are my results, 710 Quantitative, 680 Analytical, and 490 Verbal.

I am planning on hopefully attending Texas Tech University next year to pursue a Phd in Mathematics, which is my undergraduate major. And i would like to specialize in Differential Equations.

If you get an extra moment, please e mail me and tell me what you think!!!! I love getting e mail.,

E mail for Kell

I also have another e mail address if you have any trouble with my hotmail address, as I often do.

Lalalala :)

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A couple of friends that I need to mention are : Jonathon, CC, One of my awesome sisters, Tasha, Mr. Ante, Amy , Brad, Mark, Josh, Dicky and my good friend boerseun.
One person that I would especially like to mention is Steve. Steve and I have become very close lately and he is like a younger brother to me. He has been through a lot in his short life and he means the world to me! :)

Some people that I would especially like to mention are:

Tammy or "Breah"

until next time . . . .

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