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Hello! everybody.My name is BABYTREE.I'm japan animate fan.
My work not beautiful like the other site and have easy graphic.
Because I want every one who come to my site can see it.
And a big problem is I didn't know about higher computer language
But don't worry.I will have in the future hehehehehe :)
Now you can see my animation (gif animation) around my site.
I didn't not update for a month because I have an exam every week.
So if you come and didn't see anything change.It means I have a test.

First! I don't built this size for money or another profit.
Second! All of the picture here have there own copyright.
Third! Please e-mail me or sign my guestbook.If my work satisfy enough.
fourth I'm sorry about mistake of english gramma or word.
Most important! Thank you for everybody who come to visit my page.

Sorry,Sorry,Sorry I didn't update for a month.Because I have my homework to do.
But I tried to login and update but my server was always full.
If you boring about animate picture try MY PICTURE
If you boring my picture try MY FRIEND PICTURE
If you boring my picture again try MY FRIEND PICTURE 2