Why did we make a romantic comedy?

What is the story about? A guy who's afraid of October?

It's not that simple. Zack's fear of October represents our own attempts at finding meaning in our lives - at understanding and defeating the random forces of fate (and biology) that even with our massive technology, we are still powerless to control. How many of us have been hit by random, sensless tragedy that seems sent from above, and that we are powerless to defeat (a relative's cancer, a car accident, an earthquake).

Zack's October folklore is, in a sense, the empowerment or attempted empowerment of the individual through story telling. He's creating a personal narrative which makes sense of a crazy world. It helps him deal with and understand his setbacks.

But does his folklore become a crutch? Should it be encouraged? Is there a better (saner) way to live our life? And how does Zack draw the line between his own mistakes and failings, and those sent by fate (or by October)? Perhaps Zack can find the answer in love, in reaching out to someone outside his own little tormented world of October.

Zack represents the cookiness of "Elvis rises from the dead" rumors combined with the false hope and pseudo-science of miracle cure vitamins, beta-carotene and broccoli. We all want something to believe in, that explains and protects us. So, why not October?

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