Welcome to

CloudWalker's Keanu Heaven

Click HERE for my greeting

Hello Again my cloudwalking friends. Since stating that I would be taking down the site due to lack of time to keep it updated, I've received many e-mails from you, Keanu's fans, asking me and in some cases, begging me to keep this site up. You're pleas have not fallen on deaf ears. I have recently decided to keep this site up and running. Many thanks go out to my husband who did the last update, which shows itself in the new look of this site. I hope you enjoy your time in the MATRIX!

I will try to get back here more often to make changes to the site, all I ask is more of your incredible patience. *S* As always, I welcome your comments and suggestions.

Until the next time.........

Below is the number of visitors to this page since January 24,1998.

This page was last updated March 11, 2000

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The Keanu Ring of Fire is owned by Romeo Rainbow.

This page created by: Eric Hilton