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Hey, there fellow Simpsons maniacs!! I have update my page alot, and have even added a hidden link! Just try and find it on this page, and will be rewarded with totally new stuff! Good luck!

Links to other Simpsons web pages

America's Favorite Non-Prehistoric Cartoon Family
The Simpsons....WOOHOO!!!!!
Daniel's ultimate super simpsons cybersite

The Supreme Simpsons Page
The Simpsons Cafe`

Here are some cool sounds!


My bolony has a first name..
Your a stupid head
Forbidden donut
Shut up brain
I am Mr. Burns


Bart's laugh
You're on of those dont call me a chic, chics
Who'd want to touch a girl's butt?
I didn't take a bath today, and I may not take one tommorrow


I am the lizard queen!


I could pull a better cartoon out of my aaa
Awww crap!




Here are some intresting links

Episode guidesComplete listing of every Simpsons episode to date.
Upcoming episodesEver wonder whats showing ahead of time?
L.I.S.A.The complete Simpsons FAQ
The official fox network simpsons site
Simpsons trivia 95A Simpsons trivia game for windows 95
An interview with Matt GroeningThe creative genuis behind it all
The Akbar fontbetter than the Groening font!
Cast listA complete listing of ever characters ever appering on The Simpsons
Kent Brockman'slist of gay people
Click herefor a listing of Bart's prank calls to Moe
So, you think your so smart?Then take this trivia!
In the beginingWanna know how the Simpsons are made?

Here's some cool non-related Simpsons' sites!!

Macy's home page
Geniechik's homepage

The Simpsons Web Ring

This Simpsons Ring site
is owned by Scott Moy.

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