[Twins of Evil The Web Page]


Welcome to our parlor, ladies and gentleman. Of course, we're not truly evil. Selfish and crafty, maybe, but not evil. Somehow or other though, we gained that reputation. We are twins; that much is true. (Picture Below)

[Twins of Evil Poster]

Okay, so that's not a picture of us, but you wouldn't want to look at that anyway.

Read this page carefully and you'll learn very little about us. You will find no biographical data, no dull trivia about our mundane lives, and absolutely no sharing violations. And unlike most of our other pages, you'll find that this one is very low on content. There are only links and a couple of pieces of dubious humor. We can't even say we're making up for it with style. Yes, perhaps we are evil. We have lured you into a useless vanity page.


Our Favorite Quotes

"You never cut funny," -- King Kaiser ~ My Favorite Year

"Anything worth doing is worth doing for money," -- Quark ~Rule of Acquisition #13

"One thing kids like is to be tricked. For instance, I was going to take my little nephew to Disneyland, but instead I drove him to an old burned out warehouse. "Oh, no," I said. "Disneyland burned down." He cried and cried, but I think that deep down, he thought it was a pretty good joke. I started to drive over to the real Disneyland, but it was getting pretty late." -- Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy

"I know it sounds selfish, but I just have to think of myself." -- Nadine Hale ~ Easter Parade


Our Favorite Jokes

How do you crush a grape?
Tell it you don't love it anymore


How We Got Our Name

Aside from the obvious point that we are twins, there's also the traditional twin response to the oft heard question, "Which one's the good twin and which one's the evil twin?" or variations thereof. After using, "she is," a few thousand times, it sometimes occured to us to reply that we were both the evil twin.

But really it was Phil Ward who dubbed us Twins of Evil, being something of a Hammer Horror fan, and having a healthy respect for our sometimes wicked creative abilities. Phil is a member of our favorite band The High Lonesome


Our Favorite Destinations

Here on Geocities: Our Star Trek Pages
(No pop-ups on our geocities pages)
Everywhere else: Our T 'n' T Index.
(No pop-ups or advertising)
Search Engines: Dogpile | 37.com
Resources: Internet Movie Database
Evil Places: Port Charles | eBay | Imedia

Evil Twin Links

Twins of Evil - IMDb
Twins of Evil On-Line Fact Sheet
Twins in General
Twins - Separated at Birth
Evil Twins The Truth is out there

You have reached http://www.geocities.com/twinsofevil.geo/index.htm
Thank you for visiting our little page. What's worth copyrighting is by Teresa and Tracy Murray 2000-2004. (T 'n' T) We can be reached at T 'n' T

This page is rated NB

If we were truly evil we'd have an annoying song embedded in this page on a loop, and little animations that do nothing except make the page take longer to upload.... We'll work on it.


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