Part Four:
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beginning October 19, 1998
Stuck at the cottage due to the storm, Robin called Felicia and asked her for help. Felicia arrived at the cottage and an upset Robin told her that she had made a terrible mistake leaving Michael with AJ, one that would make Jason Angry. Felicia was alarmed and asked Robin if she was afraid of Jason.
Bobbie paid Carly a visit at Ferncliff, and though sparks flew several times throughout their meeting, mother and daughter grew closer than they had been before. Bobbie cautiously broached the topic of Robin, and her place in Jason's heart. Carly refused to believe she had anything to worry about, claiming that one day Jason would wake up and stop loving Robin. Bobbie remained dubious, but Carly asked her: if forced to choose, would Jason choose Robin or Michael? Bobbie reluctantly agreed that Jason would choose his son.
Meanwhile, at the bike shop, AJ first found himself in unfamiliar territory taking care of a cranky Michael. He finally got the hang of it, though, and Michael calmed down. When the baby began to cry again, AJ picked him up-- just as Jason walked in. Enraged, Jason demanded that AJ hand over the baby. AJ explained that Robin had left Michael in his care because of an emergency at the cottage, and pointed out that the fact he hadn't taken off for the Quartermaine mansion showed that he could be trusted with Michael. Jason refused to listen to him, saying that the Quartermaines only wanted to use Michael as a trophy. AJ countered, saying that Jason used Michael as a tool to get back at the Quartermaines, and Jason left, with Michael.
Meanwhile, at the cottage, Robin told Felicia that this was the second time she had betrayed Jason, the first being when she'd asked Sonny to fire him. Felicia told Robin that she had done the right thing, but Robin wasn't reassured. Robin told Felicia how understanding Jason was and said she shouldn't have gone against his wishes. Felicia thought Robin and Jason would be able to work things out and they headed for the garage. After arriving at the garage and not seeing any sign of Michael or AJ, Robin feared AJ had taken the baby to the Quartermaines.
Jason arrived and a frantic Robin confessed all she'd done, telling Jason they should hurry over to the Quartermaines. A cold, icy jason informed her that Michael was with Mike. Felicia tried to mediate between the two of them, to no avail, and left. Robin and Jason fought bitterly, with Jason accusing Robin of betrayal and Robin stating her belief that AJ has a right to see his son. At an impasse, Robin and Jason broke up, Jason telling her that he would be going to stay with Mike. Robin turned to Mac and Felicia for comfort.
Mike gladly welcomed his visitors, but counseled Jason that he had to settle things with Carly before he could salvage his relationship with Robin. Jason, realizing how much he still loved Robin and always would, went to see Carly at Ferncliff and propsed they share joint custody of Michael upon her release-- with Carly and Michael living with Bobbie. Carly became upset and wondered if Jason was going to keep his word about getting her released and was also angry to learn that Robin had left Michael with AJ. Jason said they needed to decide things about the future because AJ was gearing up to make another play for Michael. Before Jason left, Dr. Evans told him and Carly that AJ had tried to visit Carly and asked if either of them had any objections.
Robin went to the garage to try work things out with Jason, but ran into Bobbie instead. Bobbie said she hoped Robin could accept that Carly was a part of Jason's life. Robin said she had accepted that and asked Bobbie if Carly could accept that Jason's life also included Robin. Bobbie and Robin agreed to try and make compromises where Carly was concerned.
At Ferncliff, AJ wanted to visit Carly, but she told Jason and her doctor that she wasn't ready to see him. Later, however, after Jason had left, Carly told the doctor that she had changed her mind. At the Port Charles Grill, Jason violently confronted AJ and warned him to stay away from Carly and Michael. Afterward, Edward congratulated AJ for getting under Jason's skin and thought they would soon have Michael living with them at the mansion.
Monica, Emily, Ned, and Robin were appalled by Edward and AJ's behavior and Robin, disappointed in AJ's motives, accused him of deliberately goading Jason into a fight. After Jason's public act of violence towards AJ, Mac and Felicia worried about Robin's safety, but Robin and Jason made up and reaffirmed their love for one another.
AJ visited Carly and told her that Jason's ability to influence her release had been greatly diminished when he left the organization. AJ then suggested that the Quartermaines might be able to help Carly. Meanwhile, Mac, Felicia, Maxie and Georgie celebrated Halloween with Jason, Robin and Michael.
Jason confronted Carly in Ferncliff and told her that her release was secured, provided he signed the necessary papers-- which he would do, only so long as Carly understood his terms. She would stay with him and Robin in the cottage at first, but then either move in with Bobbie or find a place of her own. She and Jason would then share joint custody of Michael. Carly agreed , of course, and Jason signed the papers. Meanwhile, Bobbie asked Robin if she could give Carly some space when she got home from Ferncliff. Robin good-naturedly agreed, though Bobbie was in effect telling her to stay out of her own house.
Carly rode back into town and into Jason and Robin's lives like a bad wind, determined to strengthen and fully regain her "family", which included Jason but certainly not Robin. She complained incessantly about the cottage, saying that Robin had cost her her "home" (meaning the penthouse) and telling Jason how much she wished he hadn't changed his life so much while she was gone. Under Bobbie's watchful eye, she insincerely expressed her gratitude to Robin for taking care of Michael while she was "away", which Robin wa not fooled by for a minute. Back to her old ways, Carly talked a lot about bonding with Michael but didn't seem to actually want to be around himmuch, though she certainly enjoyed shopping for him.
Carly and Robin were surprised by a visit from AJ. Robin immediately told him to leave, knowing Jason's feelings about AJ being around Michael, who was upstairs. Carly took offense and said that she had a right to visitors, encouraging AJ to stay. He left, and the two women began to fight bitterly. Jason came home in the middle of this, having been alerted by Letticia of AJ's visit. Robin told him that she had asked AJ to leave, knowing Jason's feelings on the matter. Carly promptly lied and accused Robin of hinting around about Michael's paternity to AJ, which she hadn't done. Jason, however, did not stand up for Robin and instead spoke to the two women as if they were children, telling them he wanted this fight "settled" for Michael's sake. Carly sulked, but Robin walked out of the room, upset with Jason's dismissal.
Robin told Jason that she was going on a school trip to Italy for a few weeks. Jason questioned Robin, who admitted she was really going away because of Carly. Jason took Robin to the airport and they shared an emotional goodbye, with Jason making Robin promise to come back to him. Robin told him she would come back when Carly was out of the cottage. Carly, thrilled over the turn of events, became nervous about handling Michael on her own, but quickly pulled herself together. Jason returned from the airport and Carly realized she would have to make the most of her time with Jason while Robin was gone. She "faked" an ankle injury and then cajoled Jason into spending more time with her, hanging out at the cottage and waiting on her whims. When Robin called from Rome and left a number where Jason could reach her, Carly purposely "lost" the message, keeping them from talking. Robin contacted Jason once again, however, and Carly was caught out in her deception. Though Jason expressed some annoyance with her trick, he certainly didn't get mad at her in any lasting sense, however, chalking the prank down to "Carly acting stupid".
Jax, stopping by the cottage to retrieve something of Brenda's, stumbled upon Carly and Jason in what appeared to be a compromising situation, but was in fact only a creation of Carly's. Angry, Jax berated Jason, saying how Brenda had grown to trust that Jason truly loved Robin but must have been mistaken. Carly pretended to be concerned at Jax's assumptions, but Jason dismissed them completely.
Carly resorted to all sorts of interesting tricks to keep Jason close to her. She asked for, and received, an expensive and gaudy sable coat which she wore about town like a trophy. She cajoled Jason into carrying her about the cottage, and out to a night at Jake's. There, she attempted to make Jason jealous by dancing seductively with another man, but he was unmoved, telling her that he was perfectly happy with Robin and not interested. Carly also used every opportunity she could to throw AJ into the mix, essentially dangling him in front of Jason as a threat. Once again, Jason refused to be moved by her machinations.
Robin walked in the door of the cottage to Jason playful carrying Carly down the stairs. Despite this huge provocation, Robin kept her calm and, like Jason, refused to be baited by Carly. Her anger, however, was fairly evident. Any attempts to straighten this situation out, however, were soon cut short when Jason received a phone call saying that Sonny needed his help. Leaving right away, he asked Robin and Carly to call a truce while he was gone, as always, for Michael's sake. Jason found Sonny despondent and depressed, and tried to convince him to come back to Port Charles.
Robin attended an L&B Showcase at Luke's, along with Felicia and many others of Port Charles' finest. Mac, held up at work, arrived late. As he and Robin were greeting each other, a gun was thrust through the window of the club and began firing. Mac dove to protect Robin and took a bullet himself. Alan Quartermaine's quick thinking saved Mac's life, and he was rushed to the hospital, still in critical condition. Robin called Carly and told her to stay in the house with Michael, and do what Johnny told her to. Carly, panicked, wanted to call Jason but Robin told her it was impossible at the time. Finally Carly agreed and calmed down, and Robin raced to the hospital.
Mac pulled through, and was surrounded by those he loved: Felicia, Maxie, Georgie, and Robin. Jason, returning from Sonny's side, realized that the shooting was Moreno's doing and decided his family would be better off living in the penthouse again, for the time being. Carly, thrilled, returned like the woman of the manor, despite Jason's warning that this situation was temporary. Robin was not so happy, but understood the necessity. She spoke to Jax of her concerns, who reminded her that she could walk away from this life of danger any time. Robin argued, but of course understood that Jax was speaking out of concern for her.
At the hospital, a pensive Robin shared a Christmas celbration with Mac, Felicia, and the girls. Carly convinced Jason to take Michael to the hospital for the annual reading of the Christmas tale. Jason was bothered to see Edward dressed up as Santa Claus and Alan reading the tale, but stayed for Michael's sake. Robin joined them there, much to Carly's chagrin.
Jason convinced Sonny to return to Port Charles, and Robin welcomed him back gratefully, thinking Sonny's presence would somehow help her situation with Jason. At first, it seemed possible. Carly and Michael went to live at the brownstone with Bobbie, but Carly still had a few tricks up her sleeve. She called Jason over, under the pretence that Michael needed him, and of course Jason went running. Robin was annoyed and tried to point out that Carly was simply manipulating him through Michael, but Jason wasn't much interested in hearing her.
Robin went to Felicia for advice. Although Felicia passed no judgement on Robin's situation, she agreed that a decision about her future with Jason needed to be made and assured her that whatever that decision was, Robin would feel better after it was done. Sonny, for his part, reassured Robin that Jason loved her, but Robin knew that loving her wasn't enough, not when she was forced to envision a future of always coming in second place to Michael and Carly.
The final straw came when Jason informed Robin that he would be moving in with Michael and Carly, "until Michael was old enough to understand his parents living apart". Robin knew that day was far, far in the future, possibly never, and she also knew that whatever hope she had held for a future with Jason had just disappeared. Her heart broken but her resolve strong, she nroke up with Jason. Sadly, for his part, he expressed his concern and love for Robin but did not argue her decision, knowing that he had left her no choice.
Robin remained worried about Jason, however, and went to see Carly in a futile attempt to talk some sense into her. Robin urged Carly not to use Michael to control Jason, but Carly, feeling confident, blasted Robin for being the one to hurt him. The conversation was ugly, as Robin could have expected it to be, and Carly certainly took no mercy on Robin's feelings, flaunting Michael and staking her claim on a future at Jason's side. Somewhat despondent, Robin left, having made another huge decision. She asked AJ to meet her, and finally told him the truth: that Michael was his son.
AJ was, at first, disbelieving, thinking Robin was simply looking for revenge against Carly. He quickly became convinced, however, and then angry at Robin for not telling him sooner. He left and confronted Carly, who desperately tried to deny his accusations. Meanwhile, Robin went to Jason and told him what she had done. Jason was shocked, and rushed off to find Carly and Michael. When he arrived, AJ repeated his accusations and expressed his shock that his brother had betrayaed him that way, but Jason refused to admit to anything. Later, Jason counseled Carly that they would have to be very careful and fight a long legal battle to keep Michael, and made her promise to not o anything stupid. Though she promised, we all know how likely she is to stick to that-- in the future, a war is sure to ensue between AJ, Carly, and Jason, with Michael's fate in their hands.
Robin decided that the time had come for her to leave Port Charles and return to her studies in Paris. She said her goodbyes to Sonny, who was somewhat judgemental of her decision to tell AJ the truth, seeing it as a betrayal of Jason. Robin, obviously hurt by his attitude, tried to explain her actions, but in the end the two long-time friends simply left things as they were and said goodbye. She also spoke to Jax, and they shared memories of happier days with Brenda, promising to keep in touch. Mac and Felicia were very understanding of her decision, and proud of the choices she had made. Though they would miss her, they were glad she had decided to continue her education and her life.
When all goodbyes were said and done, Robin made one last stop-- to the bridge. Jason found her there, and they shared a somewhat bitter goodbye.
Robin: I just came here to say goodbye. So much happened in this place. I just had to see it one last time before I let it go. Do you remember that night--
Jason: I remember everything, Robin. That was my life-- what I learned from Sonny, and loving you. Til Michael.
Robin: I didn't do it to take Michael away from you. You know that. You know me.
Jason: It's just like after the accident. When I woke up, you were the first person I ever saw. But I didn't know you. And I don't now. I came to say good-bye, too. You taught me that, just like you taught me to love. You gave me everything good I have inside. And now I have it to give to Michael. I will always owe you for that.
Robin: You gave me a lot, too.
Jason: And I never wanted you to go before. But I do now. It'll be much easier when you're in Paris. And it'll be a lot easier if I never see your face again.
Robin Scorpio left Port Charles with a sad past and hopefully a better future ahead of her. She will long be remembered and loved by much of Port Charles, and by many fans who watched her grow from an engaging child into a beautiful, courageous young woman. We hope to see her return one day, stronger than ever, to inspire us all once again.
January 25, 1999
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