(from Premiere Magazine)
Check here for the most recent Spielberg News Updates

Here is a paper I wrote on Steven Spielberg and Spectatorship for a film minor at Tulane University. I'm hoping that this will be the start of a new page dedicated to film analysis of Spielberg's works. If you have written a paper about Steven Spielberg, send it to me and I'll consider it for this page.

Are you a big Spielberg fan? Don't just tell me. Tell him!

What is the best Spielberg film of all time? Go to the Voting Booth and tells us your choice.Plus, the first results are in.

If you have Real Audio, you can listen to Tom Hanks discuss his latest project with Steven Spielberg (from www.bitesite.com).

Here are some other Spielberg related links:

Thanks again for the great response to this page. I've gotten much e-mail asking for Spielberg's e-mail address. Unfortunately I don't have it either.All I can suggest is writing him at the address I have posted.

Tell me what you think of the page!
Last Updated 11/12/'97
served since 2/28/'97