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Major Star wars fan, and former Lucasfilm Fan Club staff writer, Lisa Cowan, is selling most of her extensive collections of Star Wars and Indiana Jones "paper" memorabilia, including books, magazines, newsletters, photos, fanzines, posters, and much more.

The collection includes original On The Mark newsletters and art prints from the original Mark Hamill Fan Club from 1982-1988. Below is whay she has available:

  • 1L. Single-spaced: 8 page catalog of STAR WARS memorabilia. Includes photos, magazines, newsletters, fanzines, comics, posters, buttons, books and more.

    In Lisa's own quotes:

    "Due to lifes little pressures, I (Lisa Cowan) am selling much of my extensive colleciton of Star Wars and other media memorabilia. My collection includes a lot of original 1977 - 1983 Star Wars items, as well as a few more current items..."
    The List is updated when specified. Last Updated on 6/19/00
  • 2L. A 3 page single spaced list of Star Wars and Star Wars Cast color photographs. Only $1.75 each!!! Lots on Luke Skywalker, and many Mark Hamill candids ranging from 1976-1997, plus candid photos of Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, and George Lucas and much more!
  • 3L. A 2 page list of STAR WARS POSTERS. Over 30 different SW posters for sale.
  • 4L. A 2 page list of Mark Hamill fan club newsletters (24 to choose from), and Luke Skywalker photos, & Mark Hamill art portfolio.
  • 5L. A 3 page list of all INDIANA JONES (and Harrison Ford) memborabilia. Includes movie posters, many great photos, magazines, books. Young Indiana Jones TV show items too.
  • 6L. A 2 page Star Trek memorabilia list, Classic Trek, Next Gen., Voyager. Photos!
  • 7L. A 1 page list on X-Files: photos, articles, newsletters, magazines. Color candid photos of David Duchovny. Great low low prices. (I'm nearly sold out of X-File stuff)
  • 8L. A 1 page list of WILLOW movie memorabilia

  • 10L. STAR WARS (and other media) FANZINES and Newsletters from around the world. All Fan Produced products from USA, Europe and Australia.
  • 11L. A 1 page list of MOVIE MEMORABILIA:scripts, movie magazines, Disney, books, fun...

  • 12L. A 2 page list of STAR WARS ROLE PLAYING BOOKS (from West End Games).

  • 13L. A 2 page list of BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER (TV series) memorabilia. Photos, scripts, books, 'zines, articles, clippings. "ANGEL" photos too!

  • 14L. A 3 page list of STAR WARS(and Star Trek) COMIC BOOKS from USA and Europe.

  • 15L. A 4 page list of STAR WARS BOOKS Over 70 different Star Wars Saga novels and other books. Hardcover and paperback.

    Please send a business sized (#10) or larger Self Addressed Stamped Return Envelope for any of these lists. Please Specify which list or lists you want.

    On The Mark Publications, P.O. Box 5276, Orange, CA 92863, USA

    Please tell other Star Wars and Indiana Jones and Mark Hamill fans about these lists, Thanks!


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