Navy Mustang Information Page
For US Navy LDO/CWOs
This page is for US Navy Mustangs. Although the term Mustang is sometimes applied to those commissioned through other programs, I feel the heart of the Mustang community is the LDO/CWO. So, this page, although containing good information for others, you will notice is primarily aimed at the LDO/CWO community. It is continuously updated, and hopefully
it is a good resource for information regarding the finest Sailors
in the Navy ... the Mustang. If you have information you feel should
be shared, please let me know, and I will add it to the page. Click here to contact me.
Updated 04/02/07.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation UNDER GOD, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

May God continue to watch over each and every Soldier, Sailor, Marine, Airman/woman, Coastguardsman/woman until you are back in the arms of your loved ones. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE - God Bless You, and God Bless America!

Here is a link to a GREAT Navy website.
It is designed for current and former Sailors. I invite you to join (it's free) and take a look around. If you don't like it, you can always have your name removed. If you do like it, tho, I'd appreciate if you would look my profile up and credit me as the one who invited you. Anyway, check it out. Here is the link.
Navy -
Together we

Check the results of Navy Selection Boards from the Bupers Homepage.
CONTACTING YOUR SELECTION BOARD For info on how to contact your selection board, click HERE. This page was lifted from the Bupers website, so I am assuming it's the right gouge.
For info on how to get your fiche or green card, or to get things added to your record, etc, press HERE.
*** I am pretty sure this information is correct, however if you try it and it doesn't work, I'd appreciate it if you would drop me a line and let me know. Thanks.
Jack Spratt's Vietnam Story: This old Mustang, in another time, seems like an eternity ago.
-- To read Jack's biography, press Here.
10 Pretty Good Rules and more. These rules were given to me by one of my skippers, the best shiphandler and CO I ever had. I have followed them other "pretty good rules" that I have picked up in my travels.
The Pledge of Allegiance - Excerpt from a speech made by Former POW, CAPT John McCain.
This is a very interesting article written by a Military Wife for the Washington Dispatch in 2003. To read it, click HERE.
A "REAL JOB" - Senator John Glenn's response when asked how he can be a Senator having never held a "real job". A great response!
An essay on leadership by LCDR Jack Spratt, written in 1999.
RADM LYLE BIEN'S RETIREMENT SPEECH - This is a message from the CNO with an excerpt from RADM Bien's retirement speech. It's really good reading, and worth passing along.
Given to the graduating class #29 at the Special Warfare Combatant Craft Crewman school in November 1998.
To see a wonderful tribute to Vets, check out this page. It's awesome! Click HERE!
... In 2001, I ran the San Diego Rock and Roll Marathon. Way too old, way too fat, but I finished. To see a pictorial of my running the Marathon, click HERE .

THE WATCH. A very appropriate addition to the retirement ceremony. Check it out!
THE LAWS OF THE NAVY, by Captain Hopwood, RN. This is an old poem about the Navy, which is very appropriate today. Check it out.
SEA FEVER, by John Masefield. "I must go down to the sea again ..."
THE OLD MAN AND THE SAILOR, by Robert L. Harrison. This poem is one of my favorites.
NEW ->>> A SOLDIER DIED TODAY, by Larry Vaincourt
LOVING A SAILOR. This was written by LDO Capt. O.W. Wright. Thanks to his wife Doni for sharing this with us.
OLD GLORY. This poem has been read at some retirement ceremonies I have attended. It has been read while a flag is slowly passed from shipmate to shipmate finally being given to the retiree.
THE AMERICAN FLAG A great tribute to our American Flag.
A SAILORS CHRISTMAS A Sailor's take on an old classic.

THE HISTORY OF THE MUSTANG. This link will give you the History of LDO/CWO as found in the "Limited Duty Officer and Chief Warrant Officer Professional
Guidebook", 1994 edition.

COMMISSIONING CEREMONY. This link will give you a couple of words regarding the ceremony.

NAVY TRADITIONS. Why do we give a Silver Dollar for the first salute? Why do we give a shadowbox? Why is a ship called "She"? Why do we have Wetting Downs? Why do we Pipe the Side, and use Sideboys? What is the origin of TAPS? The answers to these and other questions can be found here. The intent is not to list the commonly known customs and traditions, but the more obscure ones. If you have anything to add to this page, please let me know. (This link is always under construction, so check back often)
ORIGINS OF NAVAL TERMINOLOGY. Why do they call it a "head"? What is a holystone? Why do they ring 8 bells? Why coffee is called "cup of Joe". Answers to these and a flock of other questions can be found here.

The Government is now giving recognition to the Cold Warriors ... those who missed all the shooting wars, but had an important job in winning the cold war. Check out the certificate you can get. I have one, its no joke, its the real deal. Thanks to LT Tami Lindquist for passing this on to us.

BILL OF NO RIGHTS ... worth reading!

This info comes directly from the Navy News Message. You can now receive the "NAVNEWS BY EMAIL: NAVNEWS phone number is (703)695-0911 or
(703)697-2904 (DSN 225/227). To subscribe/unsubscribe to
NAVNEWS by email, send an email message to with the single word subscribe or
unsubscribe in the subject line. The text area of your
message must be left blank.

NAVY TIMES -- Click here to reach the online version of Navy Times Newspaper. The Navy Times website has been updated and totally revamped. If you have a current paper subscription, you can access it online for free. Or, you can purchase an online subscription. Check it out ... I'm not pushing the Navy Times one way or the other, just providing a link to a pretty good site for the paper.

Chief or PO1? Thinking of putting in a package?
Click HERE to get some useful gouge to help you with your package.
To read some feedback from a member of the FY00 board, click Here.
Good luck to everyone who applied.

Links to other interesting sites on the Web
Bupers Homepage
The NAVY Homepage
Navy Mustang Association (NMA)
USS America (CV-66) Carrier Veterans Ass'n
BLUEJACKET.COM ... a good source of Navy information.
This page you can purchase some pretty neat Mustang 'stuff'. Check it out ... MUSTANG MERCHANDISE
The GOAT LOCKER, a place you ex-Chiefs can hang out. Good info and links.
Fleet Reserve Association Homepage.
VFW Veterans of Foreign Wars Homepage.
The Veterans Affairs Homepage.
The Vietnam Veterans of America Homepage.
United States Navy Cruiser Sailors Association.
Link to theNaval Historical Center.
Military Womans Homepage.
Ride the rails to other military webpages. Just push the arrow in either direction, or push the center to go to the main rail station.
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If you have anything you might want to add, or just to shoot the breeze,
drop me a line.
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