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ATF IconCrusader's ATF/NATO PageNATO Icon 

Last Updated 4/2/97 3:34 PM

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ATF Pilots have been here.


MOTD 4/27--Hell, This is my first update in over a month. I just got really bored and I had to do something. Well, here is a little advertising for my newest ATF Project. The ATF Gold International Air Force is a place where you can play ATF Gold over the internet in an organized league play. Hope you'll check it out.

--This is VER 6.0 of this page. It is the following features: Java Chat, java scripts, frames, a counter, and a Guest Book. If any of these need improvements, feel free to mail me. 

ATF Overview 

ATF, Advanced Tactical Fighters, by EA & Janes has to be the most action-packed flight simulation available on the market. There are many reasons that many people think this. 

First of all, the ability to fly 7 awesome 21st Century planes (F22, X31, X29, X32, Rafale, B2, F117) is ATF's alone. None of these planes can be found in other flight sims (except the F22). 

Second of all, the line doesn't stop there. In single mission play, you can get about 50 more fighters and bombers. But, you must be patched at 1.14 to get this ability. If you aren't patched, you only get 7 more planes.

Next, the ability to make quick missions right off the bat is really great. With a very easy-to-use interface you can put 15 planes on each side. You can set mission objectives like tanks, ships, etc for strike missions. I usually play quick missions because of the fun they provide in huge battles like 15 F22s taking on 15 other F22s in less than 5 miles. 

Finally, the ability to make Pro Missions provides ATF with the realism of planning a campaign and then flying one. With the Pro Mission Creator, you are able to set create missons with many different circumstances and objectives. For example, put 20 F14D Tomcats escorting a strike force of A6 Intruders against a fleet of ships which carry Rafales and SU33s. Many situations are possible.

Also, the ability to make custom LIB (.lib) files make ATF a fun game. LIBs are made with the ATF Toolkit, and allow you to edit aircraft, make new aircraft, etc. REALLY FUN!

In conclusion, though ATF lacks many details of realism, it packs one hell of a punch. Thank you.


NATO Overview

NATO Fighters is the perfect add on for ATF. This cheap and well desgined expansion disk is well worth the $25 or so it costs. It adds many new things to ATF such as: 

-New Planes (SU35, F16C, SAAB Gripen, & EF2000)

-A few added planes in single player mode (F15E, F111, MIG29M, Torado IDS, etc)

-New graphics for objects (looks better)

-New Weapons

-New Campaighn

-And much more!

One of my favorite features in NATO is the 3D view in the Pro Mission Creator. You can actually view where your objects are located. This feature is a big step-up from ATF. 

Of all the new planes that are added in NATO, I would have to say the SU35 is my favorite. It incorporates thrust vectoring and has a wide variety of weapons, including the AA11B Backfire Missles which you can fire at enemy planes on your 6. I do usually, however, replace the AA12 Adder AMRAAMSKI with the AIM120 AMRAAM. 

Another feature NATO adds (and many libs, I might add) is the 6-pack bomb. This bomb carries 6 bombs. That means you can drop 6 bombs with only 1 drop. However, this is not the only type of RACK bomb. There are many different kinds of rack bombs. For example, the MK82 AIR 7 PACK. 

Also, NATO adds even more gameplay. More action. More dogfights. More planes. I would definitely buy this if you have ATF. 

But, NATO does have its flaws. Added to non-gameplay to Cyrix Chip users, it frequently crashes. For me personally, it usually crashes when I fly the SU35. This may not be true for other people.


Legal Notices

ATF & NATO Fighters are copyright of Jane's Combat Simulations and EA Corp. Under no circumstances are you to copy any of this material without written consent of Michael Cotthoff. You are free to borrow any files from this page. This page owned/maintained by Michael Cotthoff.

Special Thanks to Geocites, Midwest Internet, and Jane's Combat Simulations.

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