A little note to you, from me...

Hi, hello, and how do you do? First off, I would like to thank you for visiting my page. I appreciate it a lot, and hope you keep coming back. I am fairly new to this whole "Internet" thing, so I hope nothing has been too difficult to bear. I decided to focus my page on the movie Legend, because I have spent countless hours looking for ANYTHING about this wonderful movie, and I found absolutely nothing, zilch, zero, nada, (except for the Legend FAQ, which is, by the way, absolutely phenomenal). I wanted to do my page on something not many people (not as many, anyway) were doing pages on, and I did some browsing and found nothing on Legend, so I decided on Legend. I was shocked to find out that there was NOTHING dedicated to this wonderful movie. Since this is one of my all time favorite movies, and since there are a million sites dedicated to darn near everything else, doing a Legend page made sense (still does, come to think of it). It has been a strenuous endeavor, however. Between not being able to find hardly anything on this movie, not having much time to work on this page, and being virtually Internet/ HTML-illiterate, things have been quite tedious. As you can see, though, this hasn't stopped me, merely hindered me. I will continue to work on this page as long as you people keep stopping by. This may be my page, but it is for you as well as me. The response so far has been much better than expected, and for that, I am ever so grateful. The main reason I created this page, though, is to introduce this amazing movie to those who haven't seen it, and to give those who have seen and love this movie a place to come and see it in a slightly different light, and maybe meet a few others with the same love and appreciation for this truly breathtaking film.

For those of you still tuned in, a special thanks to you. I'm betting you are the ones who truly appreciate this movie. I think everyone should enjoy this movie. Spread the word.


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