FOA now has its own list and you don't have to be a member to join!

The Nexis HouseAre you a Nexis fan who is very interested in finding out more about Ned and Alexis? Well look no more because this is the section for you!

Alexis Davis Law OfficesFind out what Alexis is thinking about the people that are important in her life, you might be surprised what you find out!

Port Charles HotelDo you want to know what Alexis has been up to? Then be sure to check out this section today!

PortCharles Gazette Do you want to know what NLG is up to? Then check out this section! It has everything you need to know and more!

Alexis' Suite Find out what other fans are saying about Alexis, NLG, and everyone else at General Hospital by checking out this awesome message board! You never know what you might miss!

Natasha Cassadine's Public Relations Office Find out where you can send your fan mail by checking out this section! It has every address you need to know and more! Check it out today!

Port Charles Library Have you ever wanted to read stories about your favorite characters? Well look no more because this is the place for you!

Natasha Cassadine Library Coming soon...More fan fiction starring your favorite characters

Port Charles GrillDo you want to talk to someone who is just as crazy about Alexis/Nancy Lee Grahn as you are? If the answer is yes, then check out this section (otherwise called the FOA Chatroom) today because you never know who you might miss!

Alexis Davis' Picture Gallery I Here are some great Alexis pictures, I hope you like them!

Alexis Davis' Picture Gallery IIMore Alexis pictures!

Alexis Davis' Picture Gallery IIIComing Soon...Yet another set of Alexis pictures!

FOA AwardsFind out what awards that FOA has by checking out this section. So far we don't have many but what we do have you can be sure we are proud of. Way to go FOA!!!

Alexis Guide to GH Links Do you want to see what other Alexis' sites there are? Well this is the place for you! I guarantee that you will like it!

Alexis Davis' Webrings Find out what web rings that I belong to by checking out this section. You might be surprised to see which ones I belong to!

My BiographyDo you want to find out what I am like? Then check out this section. Besides talking about me (and my fabulous life) it also lists the people who have been generous enough to help me with this site. So check it out today!

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For club information, contact Donna at For more Alexis sites, go to my links.

c. 1998 by Donna. If you would like to download any of these images, please do me the courtesy of e-mailing with the address of the site as to where these images will be placed. Thank you.

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