"The price is WRONG bitch!" - Adam Sandler as Billy Madison in Billy Madison
"It could happen." - Roger's friend in Angels in the Outfield or the world reknown McDonald's quote
"Show me the money!" - Cuba gooding Jr. and Tome Cruise in Jerry McGuire
"Little pigs, little pigs, let me in!" - The Big Bad Wolf
"Not by the hair on my chiny chin chin!" - the Three Little Pigs
"Someone's been sleeping in my bed, and they're still there!" - Baby Bear
"I know you did not just shoot that green shit a me!" - Will Smith in Independence Day
"My mamma was a very smart lady." - Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump in Forrest Gump
"I'm Batman. No, really, I'm Batman." - football player on snickers commercial
"So here it is; and I hate you both!" - Claudia in Interview With a Vampire.
"If clothes make the man, then naked people have no influence in society." - Mark Twain
"The force will be with you always." - Obiwan Kenobie in Star Wars
"Luke, I am your father." - Darth Vader in The Empire Strikes Back
In the end there can be only one." - Adrean Paul and Chris Lambert in Highlander
"The weak ones are here to justify the strong." - Marilyn Manson
"I'm a trouble starter, punking instigator." - Prodigy
"That's on small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." - Neil Armstrong
"Let them eat cake." - Marie Antoinette
"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night." - Jolly ol' St. Nick
"I don't think were in Kansas anymore Toto." - Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz
"Resistance is futile." - The Borg, Star Trek First Contact
"These are the days when anyhting goes." - Sheryl Crow
"Frankly Scarlet, I don't give a damn." - Rhett Butler in gone With the Wind
"I could've been a contender." - The Godfather
"You live, you learn." - Alanis Morisette
"Goooooo bye bye." - Animal in the Muppet Babies
"Party on Wayne." - Garth in Wayne's World
"Party on Garth." - Wayne in Wayne's World
"I am cornholio, you will surrender to my bunghole." - Beavis in Beavis and Butthead Do America
"I'm diggin a hole to China." - Wednesday in the Addams Family
"Whoa." - Joey Lawrence as Joey in Blossom
"I couldn't have done it with out the inspirational guidance of my brother the pool man." - Pauly Shore as PVT Bones in In The Army Now
"I really wish you were my first seargent, but I already had lots of ones before you." - Pauly Shore as PFC Bones in In The Army Now
"Somebody's sleepin in my bed." - Dru Hill
"Can ya cork it?" - Pauly Shore as Bud in Bio-Dome
"Negatory" - Stephen Baldwin as Doyle in Bio-Dome
"I'm just a little black rain cloud." - Winne the Pooh
"The most wonderful about tiggers is, I'm the only one." - Tigger
"No job to big, no fee to big." - Peter in Ghost Busters
"Let's show this prehistoric bitch how we do things down town." - Peter in Ghost Busters
"You made a woman meow?" - Jess in When Harry Met Sally
"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers. For he today that sheds hid blood with me shall be my brother." - William Shakespeare
"Kids. Ten seconds of joy. Thirty years of misery." - Gib in True Lies
"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die." - Inigo Montoya in The Princess Bride
"It's hard to be brave when you are a very small animal." - Piglet
"Being bad feels pretty good, huh?" - Bender in The Breakfast Club
"Jose can you see...." (National Anthem) - Pitcher in Angels in the Outfield
"Ty Cobb wanted to play...but none of us could stand the son-of-a-bitch when he was alive so we told him to stick it." - Ray Liota as Shoeless Joe Jackson in Field of Dreams
"The meek may inherit the Earth but they don't get into Harvard." - Neil in Dead Poets Society
"We're going to eat gas." - Vicky on Reality Bites
"Playing with my monkey is like playing with my emotions." - Big Worm in Friday
"Do you prefer "fashion victim", or ensembly challenged"?" - Alicia Silverstone as Cher in Clueless
"Searching for a boy in highschool is like searching for meaning in a Pauly Shore movie." - Alicia Silverstone as Cher in Clueless
"I was surfing the crimson wave. I had to haul ass to the ladies." - Alicia Silverstone as Cher in Clueless
"It can't rain all the time." - Brandon Lee as Eric Draven in The Crow
"People used to think that when someone dies, a crow carries their soul to the land of the dead. But sometimes, only sometimes, the crow brings the soul back to set the wrong things right." - Sarah in The Crow
"If people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them. Buildings burn, people die, but real love lives forever." - Sarah in The Crow
"They're all dead, they just don't know it yet." - Brandon Lee as Eric Draven in The Crow
"Movies don't create psychos, movies make psychos more creative." - Billy in Scream
"When are you gonna grow up so I can ravage you?" - Alyssa Milano as Margo Masse in Fear
"Sometimes I must confess, I do feel a little over dressed." - Jakob Dylan of The Wallflowers
"Your body is dying, pay no attention." - Tom Cruise as Lestat in Interview with a Vampire
"The world changes, we do not, there lies the irony that finally kills us." - Antonio Banderas as Armand in Interview with a Vampire
"Merciful death, how you love your precious guilt." - Tom Cruise as Lestat in Interview with a Vampire
"Good night sweet prince, and may flights of devils sing you to your nest." - Claudia in Interview with a Vampire
"Spandex- it's a privlege, not a right." - Cereal Killer in Hackers
"They will say I have shed innocent blood. What's blood for, if not for shedding?" - Candyman
"Bless me father, for I have just killed quite a few men." - Antonio Banderas in Desperado
"Give me the strength to be what I was and forgive me for what I am." - Antonio Banderas in Desperado
"People are strange, when your a stranger." - The Doors
"The world is a vampire sent to drain." - The Smashing Pumpkins
"I'm so happy 'cause today I found my friends, they're in my head." - Nirvana
"These people aren't your friends, they're paid to kiss your feet." - Radio Head
"He who forgets will be destined to remember." - Pearl Jam
"I'm not the only one, starin at the sun, afraid of what you'll find." - U2
"Once apon a time the called me the bleeder." - Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers
"If you hate something, don't you do it too?" - Pearl Jam
"We don't need no water let the mo fos burn, burn mo fos, burn." - The Bloodhound Gang
"If you should die before me, ask if you could bring a friend." - Stone Temple Pilots
"If you ever need anything, please don't hesitate to ask someone else first." - Nirvana
"I must love what I destroy, and destroy the thing I love." - Sting
"I feel better having screamed, don't you?" -R.E.M.
"I wanted more than life can ever grant me." - Smashing Pumpkins
"Do you feel the way you hat? Do you hate the way you feel?" - Gavin Rossdale of Bush
"There are many things that I would like to say to you, but I dont' know how." - Oasis
"I'm a 21st century digital boy." - Bad Religion
"1, 2, 3, 4, get your woman on the floor." - Coolio
"My cock is a hell of a lot cleaner than your bum!" - That guy on With Honors
"If i'm not back in 5 minutes, wait longer." Jim Carrey as Ace Ventura in Ace Ventura Pet Detective
"Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?" - Batman
"Victims...aren't we all?" - The Crow
If you have any other quotes from movies, song or anything you can think of...then why don't you stop thinking about it and just SEND IT TO ME!