Main Charecters: Lestat de Lioncourt, Gabrielle, Luois, Daniel, Jesse, Khayman, Maharet, Mael, Marius, Nicholas, Akasha and Enkil
Narrator: Lestat de Lioncourt
Plot: Creator of Louis tells story from his p.o.v., begging with his own heroic mortal life. He goes on to his coming of mortality and his making of his first two "children". He tells of his fantastic discoveries, his encounters with Armand and Marius, his wish to be "known" to mortals and his rising and falling career with his rock band.
Rating: If you loved the first book, you'll love this one even more! You will no longer sympathize with Louis or hate Lestat, but you will long to be him, to be the strong one, to overcome, to rebel. This book is amazingly powerful, and lures you farther into Anne Rice's world of darkness.