well, 'tis a strange corner of the universe that you have stumbled upon

greetings. i am miss rose, keeper of this page. i have a wide variety of interests, but this page is devoted to my favorite three. they are:

John Mellencamp

Val Kilmer


i also have quite a good friend who goes by two aliases, depending where you encounter her. check out her page at here. don't ask about the curly bill part. as for me, well, i am still traumatized by viewing the movie 'gallipoli' today. that last scene- whoa, i never thought it would happen!!!! i thought frank would . . . never mind. i wouldn't want to spoil the movie for you.

it's nearly christmas. and have i got a great gift idea for your friends & loved ones. how about john mellencamp's latest album, the best that i could do 1978-1988? it's terrific. i'm listening to american fool right now, but that's because my family revolted after hearing cherry bomb four times. i don't know why . . .

also- and here's where the curly bill comes from- i recommend watching 'tombstone' highly. it's a great movie, exciting, violent, but it's powerful, too. sorta like the last scene of 'gallipoli', but not that powerful. if you want that kind of powerful, watch 'dead man walking'. now there is a movie that will just blow you away. not that 'tombstone' won't, but 'dead man walking' is just incredible if you like the real moving ones. well, that's about all i have to say tonight-

special thanks goes to: aged p., cb, mr. b, mr. bo, sb (the relative!!!), & mr. m. without you- well, i wouldn't have anyone to carry on intelligent conversations with!!

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