Some things you should know about me before proceeding through the rest of my page:

I am left handed.

I LOVE Country Music.

My favorite soap opera is Guiding Light (CBS).

Hockey is my favorite sport.

REBA, what else is there to say, she is the bomb.



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If the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!

Reasons why LEFT is better

 Most people wear watches on their left wrist because LEFT is better.

 There are less leftys than rightys because leftys are special and hard to find. Are athletes as good as Michael Jordan easy to find? No!

 Leftys can read backwards better.

 The word LEFT is shorter and easier to spell than the work RIGHT.

 The left side of keyboards have the best buttons.

 Words are written in LEFT to right because left is better.

 All Gods are left-handed.

Left-handers do it right
People that are left-handed are more intelligent, more
balanced and more creative than those unfortunate
right-handed people.

Any comments or suggestions regarding my page?? E-mail me

Several of the graphics and icons that you see on my page were downloaded from the webdiner. Many talented people put in a lot of time and effort to create incredible designs for you to use. Please stop by and check it out!



Here are some links to some really cool places. Some of my favorites anyway:

Feel like checking out the most awesome chick in country music ever? To get all the latest info on "the red zinger" click here ===>
Reba Home Page

One of my favorite radio stations (Country of Course) hey check out the on the air personalities....Jerry Hall is ALL MAN! KRTY Page

For those of you who share my interest in Daytime TV here is a link to my favorite soap's home page Official Guiding Light Home Page

Play Bingo? How about playing for free online? Sound cool? Check it out here ===>

Feel like sending someone special a greeting card? Send one online from Bluemountain Arts, its free, add a little sunshine to someone's day...check it out Blue Mountain Arts' Electronic Greeting Cards

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