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Kevin Mitnick Lockdown Clock: This is how long it's been since Kevin Mitnick has been imprisoned by the U.S. Government without a trial.
Welcome to Outlawed Geniuses, a site dedicated to one of my favorite movies, Hackers. I myself admit the invalidity of the majority of the info regarding Gen-Xers in general, as well as the world of technology are drastically incorrect. However, I still must say that I found, and still find the movie highly entertaining. Come on folks, it's not a "how to" guide to the internet, it's a movie.

Most Recent Changes:

    I'm in the process of moving the original Outlawed Geniuses site from here at Geocities to Spree ( Please bear with the quality of the site in the meantime, and remember to bookmark the SPREE.COM site, as the GeoCities one (this one) is the one going down.

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The Movie Hackers and all related insignia © 1996 United Artists Pictures Inc.
"Outlawed Geniuses" and everything contained herein, copyright © 1998 Shattered Mynd, unless otherwise noted.