Fast Times at Ridgemont High

- **** An absolute classic. Made in 1982, follows a year in the lives of students at Ridgemont High. Includes unbelievable performances by all cast members. Spicoli (Sean Penn) quite easily steals the show as a surfer/stoner (multi-talented?). Other GREAT supporting actors/actresses include (these are character names)- Mike Damone, as a guy that is 2/5 as cool as he thinks he is, Stacey, as the freshman girl who goes through many sexual experiences, Rat, a shy-dude, Brad Hamilton, I'd almost pick this guy for second place for his hilarious downfall during the movie, and a supporting cast of stoners. A very, very funny movie. Obviously, that's why it's on my list of all-time great movies.
Interesting facts:
The writer of this story, Cameron Crowe, spent a year disguised as a student to develop the story. His current works include writing and directimg Jerry Maguire. I've also found him in countless things, for example, the introduction to Led Zeppelin's album, The Song Remains The Same. Three different versions of the movie with different soundtracks, and extra-scenes in TV version.

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