Beginning of Krysmic Blender (8/3/01) I've been working hard on this new site called Krysmic Blender for you. So you better enjoy it!
| Krysmic Blender
It seems like more and more things are becoming 3D. Krysmic Blender is a site showing my pathetic tries at making 3d content. Blender is a 3D modelling and rendering program. The site has a gallery, tutorials, and projects I'm working on.
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| Drift 2: Shaman Encagement
The evil forces are taking over the shaman world. The shamans have been taken from their usual positions and scattered around their world by an unknown evil.
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| Banjo-2E
There was a time when Banjo-2E was the main source of Banjo-Tooie related information. Every night I was glopped down in e-mails and was very much in videogame dream land. Unfortunately, that's at an end, but you can still visit the site and look at the walkthrough if you're stuck. Or, if you're comletely lost, just go there anyways so that the counter number goes up.
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| Funky Munky
Funky Munky is a site that tries to set everything straight with computers. It offers tutorials on any computer subject. At the moment, all it has is some tutorials about dHTML, but the rest is cooking and should be added soon.
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