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Welcome to MegaRed's Sentinel Page!

New stuff:
Experiment: Beanie Theatre, Sentinel Too 6/10/99.
NEW STORY! "Changing Lives", at the Fiction Page

To try and make this @#$%ing main page load faster, I cleaned it up and moved a bunch of stuff around. If there was something here that is now gone, try one of the links. A really good place to look is Mega's Shoebox.

You can actually BUY stuff here, now! Pop on over toMega's Printshoppe for some eye candy.
Guarunteed not to rot your teeth.
And just what is this all about?

Click HERE to find out!
Wanna see some illustrations for The Sentinel?

Art Show

Anyone interested in getting some glossies of our boys?

Check THIS out!

Didn't get to Sentinel Con 1998 back in April? Wanna see what you missed? Click here for info on ordering MegaRed's Con Vids!

Hey JIM! Look over there! It's Mega's FANFIC!

Just who is Amy Patricia Ellison anyway?

Have you been on a Sentinel set visit? Or maybe to a con? Just happen to run into the guys on the street? Click here!

Get in touch with me at MegaRed's Lair.

Problems with the page? Let me know Here.

My slash

People With Nothing Better to do Since
July 29th, 1997

This The Sentinel Webring site owned by Mega

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