Jack's Autograph Collection

I have been collecting vintage autographs for a number of years. I collect mostly vintage autographs. To view some of the autographed photos in my collection, click on the image or the name. Although I am certainly not an expert, I believe that every autograph shown on this page to be authentic. If anyone has any information to the contrary, please email me and let me know.

Send comments to me at jackalama@yahoo.com

I was kicking around one of my favorite thrift shops the other day. Out back, they had a big bin full of books, and the sign said "Free for nothing". They were in pretty bad shape, and were mostly ready for the junkpile. However, I couldn't resist, so I began to dig through the pile. I found a beat up copy of "Bubbles", the autobiography of Beverly Sills. Inside the cover, on one of the few pages that was not wet and wrecked, was a lovely signature which said "Love to Bernie and Rose, Beverly Sills". I also found a decent picture in the book, and have cut the sig and matted it with the pic, and it makes a very impressive piece. ALL FOR FREE! To view this great freebie, click HERE!

Jean Harlow (1937)
Harlow very seldom signed her autograph. The sig on this picture, as well as the majority of her publicity pics was signed by her mother, Mama Jean. For a sample of Jean's authentic signature, click HERE.
Betty Grable (1940)
Gloria Swanson (1937)
Joan Crawford
Bette Davis
Alice Faye
Douglas Fairbanks Sr. To see a closeup of his signature, click HERE.
Jayne Mansfield.To see a closeup of the signature, click HERE.
Marion Davies
Gregory Peck
Lana Turner
Sophia Loren
Mae West (1937)
Lucille Ball I purchased this in an antique shop for $12. To see her signature a little closer, click HERE
A Johnny Carson Stamp???? You tell me. Click Here to see what I mean.

Jamie Lee Curtis' autograph is one which has been the subject of great debate. There are two very distinct styles of her signature to be found. Her mother (ala Harlow) has signed many of her autograph requests. Here are some examples of common signatures.
Jamie Lee Curtis This one is probably signed by her mother, Janet Leigh. To see an example of Jamie's in person signature, press HERE.
To see an authentically autographed photo, click Here .
To see some more vintage signatures in my collection, click the name.

Bob Hope Collected In Person Many years ago.
Bob Hope pic Collected through the mail in 1994.
Rock Hudson
James Stewart
Katharine Hepburn
Jim Backus
Raymond Burr
Gina Lollabrigida
Fred MacMurray (1937) To see a closeup of the sig, click HERE.
Faye Dunaway
Donald O'Connor and Gloria Jean To see closeup of their sig, click Here for Donalds, and Here for Gloria's.
Mary Pickford, Americas Sweetheart.
Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.

Click Here to view a complete list of all the autographs in my collection.

***Links to other sites on the Web***

A good place to get autographed (and regular) books
Autograph Pages Index. A nice index of many other autograph websites.

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