Marilyn Trivia Page

Test your Marilyn Knowledge!

***Do to the poor response to the Marilyn Trivia page, I am taking a hiatus from posting new quizzes. If you have an interest in the Trivia Page being brought back, please e-mail me at and let me know. Thanks!***


1. What was the name of the company that Marilyn formed in 1954, and who was her partner? Marilyn Monroe Productions with Milton H. Greene

2. Who is credited with giving Norma Jeane her stage name of Marilyn Monroe? Ben Lyon

3. Where was the famous "skirt blowing scene" from the "Seven Year Itch" filmed? Some scenes were filmed in New York, and some had to be re-shot in an L.A. studio.

4. What did the boys in high school nickname Norma Jeane? The MMmmmm Girl.

5. What famous singer has been quoted as saying, "I can feel the spirit of Marilyn Monroe in me. We are one."? Madonna

6. Who was credited with discovering Marilyn? David Conover

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