A Bit About The Author
Name : Tony Spicer

Nick names :
Noddy : Thanks to a Steve Monro.
Squeaky!! : Thanks to Kiwichick.
Homer : Thanks to my lovely Sis'.

D.O.B. : 25/6/73

Starsign: Cancer

Lives : Victoria, Australia

Pic of my Beautiful wife : Sexyred33

Work : I am currently looking for work in Las Vegas as I moved here on Dec 14th of 1997 to be with my Fiance who is now my loving and beautiful wife. Hobbies : I've been cycling for the past twelve years, playing the drums for the last couple of years, plastic modelling for a long time, and making doom levels both deathmatch, singles, and levels for the Virtual Acess Cafe's Doom Leagues and playing computer games. SHOPPING,and electronics.

Interests : Lately I have just begun to play the Imperial Guard in Warhammer 40K .I like to read sci-fi and thriller novels.Not a day goes by when my stereo doesn't get turned on.I like to ride horses but don't get much time to do that often.Shopping, sorry I think I mentioned that.

Favorite Football Team: North Melbourne
Favorite Artists : Alanis Morissette, Baby Animals, Doro/Warlock, Vanessa Mae
Favorite Novel : Lightning. Written by Dean Koontz ( Get your hands on a copy NOW !!!! )
Favorite T.V. Shows : 1: Blue Heelers 2: The X - Files 3: Mad About You
Favorite Movie : Silence Of The Lambs
Favorite Actress : Well it's a tough choice between Jodie Foster and Lisa McCune.
Favorite Live Artist : Alanis Morissette
Tony's Top 5 Movie's Of All Time

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