his was the first website
for the one and only Lisa McCune. I have a fair bit of
information and pictures of this, well shall we say,
talented young actress but if some information is
incorrect or you have pictures I don't Could you Please
E-Mail me at
Thanks Tony......By the way I am NOT Lisa McCune...for those still in doubt here is some info about meAlso I am now living in Nevada USA so if you mailed me at virtual.net.au can you e mail me at my hotmail addy
Thanks for visiting my webpage on Lisa McCune. If you have anything you wish us to add to this page or any information that you think might interest us then please don't hesitate in emailing me. Thanks again.
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The last update was Dec 6 1998. You have been visitor number
since 3rd March 1997.
This site is in no way connected with either the cast, crew or
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