Welcome to the Special Ops Recruit Log! In the fine tradition of Jim Ellison, retired Special Forces Officer, I've created this guestbook to help keep our troops organized. (I only wish I was as anal Jim, maybe I'd have a clean house then.) I' like to invite you to sign in and add your comments. I hope you've found your visit enjoyable.

Ash - 10/12/00 16:53:38
My Email:ash.gasson@net.ntl.com

- 02/29/00 23:18:20
My Email:gwynnt@webtv.net
What's your favorite fandom?: sentinel
Do you have a favorite episode of THE SENTINEL?: the sentinel by blair sandburg
What's your favorite fan fiction story?: too many to chose

Sue Pokorny - 05/06/99 01:06:56
My Email:SPok507@aol.com
What's your favorite fandom?: Sentinel
Do you have a favorite episode of THE SENTINEL?: Spare Parts
What's your favorite fan fiction story?: ????
What's your second favorite fandom?: Stargate SG1
What's your favorite episode of it?: ????
I loved spare parts because I have never seen Blair act quite so happy. He was grinning from ear to ear when he saw Naomi and watching Jim to guage his reaction. It was just a great job by GM & RB!

Rebecca Little - 05/06/99 00:07:43
My Email:dayspring@neworld.net
Do you have a favorite episode of THE SENTINEL?: I've only seen two or three so far and I like all of them.
What's your favorite fan fiction story?: Don't have any
I think "The Sentinel" is a great show and I hope it's around for awhile longer. One of the reasons I like it because it's intelligent and it makes you think. Plus the characters and dialogue are very well-written.

Crystal Rose Van Es - 04/13/99 15:08:33
My Email:crystal@csgengr.com
Do you have a favorite episode of THE SENTINEL?: Sentinel Too
What's your favorite fan fiction story?: Cherry bombs
Where can we find the story?: not sure

Debbie Mckenzie - 03/01/99 18:07:31
My Email:sugard2@mailcity.com
What's your favorite fandom?: The Sentinel
Do you have a favorite episode of THE SENTINEL?: Cypher
What's your favorite fan fiction story?: So many hard to choose
What's your second favorite fandom?: Star Trek Voyager
What's your favorite episode of it?: all of them
mail City is down till 3/10/99 after that I'm open again. just started reading your Jessica story.

Cheryl Lessman - 01/14/99 02:44:52
My Email:CheryLess@aol.com
What's your favorite fandom?: Sentinel
Do you have a favorite episode of THE SENTINEL?: the one with the angel
What's your favorite fan fiction story?: ????
What's your second favorite fandom?: Starsky and Hutch
What's your favorite episode of it?: the hillbilly moonshiners
I have recently switched from S&H and HK to the Sentinel. I have not seen all the episodes of Sentinel but I have mailed to the addresses listed in Santana's place to get it returned. I have read alot of Sentinel fiction but don't think I have just one avorite yet. I watch the shows but am really horrible about remembering titles.

10/25/98 10:49:41
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Cindy - 09/30/98 10:39:16
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Tania Spence - 07/28/98 10:57:13
My Email:spencew@dynamite.com.au

Laura the ranting fan - 07/11/98 03:24:27
My Email:arakis@en.com
What's your favorite fandom?: silly question, Sentinel!
Do you have a favorite episode of THE SENTINEL?: I'll tell you after I see Blind mans bluff
What's your favorite fan fiction story?: Beach
Where can we find the story?: Smarm Sanctuary
What's your second favorite fandom?: X-files
What's your favorite episode of it?: The movie, truly cool

Becky - 06/30/98 18:06:40
My URL:http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/bbrewste
My Email:bbrewste@m1.sprynet.com
What's your favorite fandom?: The Sentinel
Do you have a favorite episode of THE SENTINEL?: Blind Man's Bluff
What's your favorite fan fiction story?: way too hard to choose
Where can we find the story?: Guide Posts
What's your second favorite fandom?: Babylon 5
What's your favorite episode of it?: Severed Dreams
Hi there! I really like your "Jessica" story. Are you planning to write more? Maybe? I can never get enough fanfic.

Jes aka BlairTheGuide - 06/28/98 04:17:04
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ma/tomorrowspapertoday/index.html
My Email:J.MB.@prodigy.net
What's your favorite fandom?: The Sentinel--Of Course
Do you have a favorite episode of THE SENTINEL?: Yes I have a few--Cypher, Blind Man's Bluff, Survival, and Mirror Image
What's your favorite fan fiction story?: My Fav story is Avalanche by Kristine Williams
Where can we find the story?: On Kris's Page--A Sentinel's Guide
What's your second favorite fandom?: Early Edition
What's your favorite episode of it?: Faith
Cool Site. Keep Up The Good Work. Just so everyone knows I LOVE BLAIR!!!!

Morgan Chambellan - 04/29/98 02:39:53
My Email:colcham@swbell.net
What's your favorite fandom?: Sentinel, ST Voyager
Do you have a favorite episode of THE SENTINEL?: Anything with a lot of Blair
What's your favorite fan fiction story?: Things by my bud, J.M.Griffon
Where can we find the story?: I'll ask her
What's your favorite episode of it?: Anything with Chakotay
I'm a newcomer to Sentinel fandom. I love the guys and the show. I remember Richard from WW. I noticed him right away! I started watching Sentinel, and that adorable little Blair showed up. I love watching them together. They remind me of Starsky an Hutch(They'll never be another team like them). I've made a cute little Blair Jr. doll, and mailed him to Garett. I'm hoping to hear something soon. I kept his twin with me. I'm also hoping there will be another Con visited by the guys so I can see t em. I missed the one in April. Let's support our guys! Morgan Chambellan Houston, TX

Cathy Shafer - 04/10/98 02:09:05
My Email:105713,2655@compuserve.com

wildbird - 01/19/98 11:10:55
My Email:jeepnp@clear.net.nz
What's your favorite fandom?: all of them
Do you have a favorite episode of THE SENTINEL?: All of them
What's your favorite fan fiction story?: can't choose
What's your favorite episode of it?: Flight
I guess I love all the stories that I've read so far about those two lovely guys. Jim could arresst me anytime and I wish I had Blair as one of my Polytechnic techers, I'm sure I'd learn alot

Chveya - 01/12/98 23:05:44
What's your favorite fandom?: Sentinel
Do you have a favorite episode of THE SENTINEL?: Spare Parts
What's your favorite fan fiction story?: Any story in which Blair isn't horribly tortured, and doesn't cry, whine, act like a wuss, or lose more organs than is humanly possible.
Where can we find the story?: Guide Posts
What's your second favorite fandom?: X-Files
What's your favorite episode of it?: Can't choose

shellie - 01/10/98 22:43:27
My Email:homerjrh@cscs.net
What's your favorite fandom?: TS
Do you have a favorite episode of THE SENTINEL?: Cypher,BMB,& Survival
What's your favorite fan fiction story?: Oh! So many!! There're all great, but my favorites are by Kris Williams and Susan Williams
Where can we find the story?: /Hollywood/Academy/5307/
What's your second favorite fandom?: It's just TS for me!!!
It's great to find so much information on the Sentinel, because 7 days between episodes is *way* too long to wait! Thanks to all the great writers out there who are generous enough to share their work with the rest of us!

Ellenore - 01/03/98 04:33:54
My Email:Ellenore@juno.com
What's your favorite fandom?: umm.. the Beatles. Sorry. :)
Do you have a favorite episode of THE SENTINEL?: so far, "Warriors"
What's your favorite fan fiction story?: "The Heart Hath it's Reasons"
Where can we find the story?: Merry Lynne's page
What's your second favorite fandom?: The Sentinel

Laura T. - 12/11/97 15:56:47
My Email:TOPEKAKSTERRI@prodigy.net
What's your favorite fandom?: TS
Do you have a favorite episode of THE SENTINEL?: Warriors or Cypher...Too hard to decide.
What's your favorite fan fiction story?: "Retribution", "The Game", and "Shadow of a Doubt" all by Kristine Williams
Where can we find the story?: I don't know the address but the pages are called "A Sentinel's Guide" and "The Watchman"
I love the Sentinel. I only wish I had been watching from the very beginning, instead of half-way through the second season. I feel like I've missed everything!! I also enjoy the chemistry between Richard and Garrett. You can tell they have a pretty good off-camera friendship. The only problem I have with the show is this new forensics lady...Is she REALLY necessary???? Oh well, we can't all have our way, right? Regardless of the cheesy lady, The Sentinel is the best!!

jeannie griggs - 10/13/97 01:17:34
My Email:cgriggs@infoave.net
What's your favorite fandom?: the sentinel "blair
Do you have a favorite episode of THE SENTINEL?: blind man bluff
What's your favorite fan fiction story?: all of kris williams
Where can we find the story?: kris williams
What's your second favorite fandom?: reruns of sentinel
What's your favorite episode of it?: cypher

jeannie griggs - 10/13/97 01:06:25
My Email:cgriggs@infoave.net
What's your favorite fandom?: to many
Do you have a favorite episode of THE SENTINEL?: cypher
What's your favorite fan fiction story?: all of kris williams
Where can we find the story?: kris williams

Brenda Knodle - 09/28/97 13:54:29
My Email:Nena301
What's your favorite fandom?: Sentinel
Do you have a favorite episode of THE SENTINEL?: Can't chose love them all.
What's your favorite fan fiction story?: All of them.
Where can we find the story?: on any page
What's your second favorite fandom?: reruns of the Sentinel
What's your favorite episode of it?: all of them
I love the way the guys work as a team and that just because Blair's not a cop he's treated withthe same respect (sorta) as Jim is. I hope the show goes for years and years.

PantherGirl - 09/27/97 19:20:32
What's your favorite fandom?: Sentinel
Do you have a favorite episode of THE SENTINEL?: Dead Drop(first ep I ever saw!)
What's your favorite fan fiction story?: I have a lot!
What's your second favorite fandom?: Touched by An Angel
What's your favorite episode of it?: ANYTHING WITH ANDREW!
Um...hi. cool site

Gena Fisher - 09/24/97 01:40:14
My Email:gena13gael@mailexcite.com
What's your favorite fandom?: SENTINEL
Do you have a favorite episode of THE SENTINEL?: Blind Man's Bluff, Warriors
What's your favorite fan fiction story?: Adrift
Where can we find the story?: Kris Williams' page
What's your second favorite fandom?: Professionals
What's your favorite episode of it?: Hunter/Hunted
I fell into TS by accident. A friend wanted everything I could off the web. I copied stuff and sent it to her without reading it, having never seen the show. When she sent episodes I saw RB and GM and was hooked!! What a great relationship! I love Ji 's protective attitude!! And he's a stud-muffin. Blair's aorable. I love them both.

Sentinel2 - 09/17/97 02:53:09
What's your favorite fandom?: SENTINEL!
Do you have a favorite episode of THE SENTINEL?: Survival, especially where Jim and Blair jump off the waterfall!
What's your favorite fan fiction story?: The Sandburg Baby Incident(funnier than anything!)
Where can we find the story?: Can't remember!
What's your second favorite fandom?: Power Rangers
What's your favorite episode of it?: Anything with Tommy!
Garett, one of these days, you'll be all mine. Oh, and Richard, my mom wants you just as bad! Sentinel2

Sandra - 09/14/97 07:26:47
My URL:http://www.germany.net/teilnehmer/100/164832/Sentinel/Sentinel.html
My Email:Sandra.Schwarzer@t-online.de
What's your favorite fandom?: The Sentinel
Do you have a favorite episode of THE SENTINEL?: Cypher, Blind Mans Bluff
What's your favorite fan fiction story?: nearly all stories out there are very good
Where can we find the story?: mostly at Guide Posts
What's your second favorite fandom?: X-Files
What's your favorite episode of it?: Tunguska, Terma
Keep up your good work ;-)

Emma - 09/10/97 11:55:12
My Email:emmaviljamaa@hotmail.com
What's your favorite fandom?: sentinel, x-files. itīs a tie!
Do you have a favorite episode of THE SENTINEL?: wov of silence
What's your favorite fan fiction story?: the devil you know
Where can we find the story?: sorry, forgot
What's your second favorite fandom?: ds9, highlander
I love the show, but unfortunately I live in Finland and the tv company relesed only the first season and 3 episodes of the second. buaah! Fanfic is only the second best, but it is the best of what I get!

Froggy aka NTN nora the next!! - 09/05/97 22:31:55
My Email:swampqueen@hotmail.com
What's your favorite fandom?: Sentinel/ Hercules TLJ
Do you have a favorite episode of THE SENTINEL?: all of them!!!!!!!
What's your favorite fan fiction story?: too many to list here!
Great job TCO! Later! Froggy aka NTN nora the next!

Gabby Hirs - 09/05/97 01:12:16
My Email:hirs@boisdarc.tamu-commerce.edu
Do you have a favorite episode of THE SENTINEL?: cypher
What's your favorite fan fiction story?: what do i say
The Sentinel is a really good for anyone who loves cop shows and aslo paranormal shows. One can get an equal mix of the two.

Omicron - 08/31/97 16:11:20
My Email:solar_greenhouse@hotmail.com
What's your favorite fandom?: "The Sentinel" all the way
Do you have a favorite episode of THE SENTINEL?: Oh, that's a toughy, um, Blind Man's Bluff
What's your favorite fan fiction story?: Too many to decide
Where can we find the story?: Try Guide Posts. It's all there.
What's your second favorite fandom?: Tie between The Burning Zone ans seaQuest.
What's your favorite episode of it?: Silent Tower for BZ, and I don't know the names of the eps for seaQuest
I just hope the Sentinel is on the air for a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, long time and I hope all of the brillant fanfiction keeps coming right along with it.

Marsha Nall - 08/18/97 21:26:19
My Email:Marshyn@WebTV.net
What's your favorite fandom?: The Sentinel
Do you have a favorite episode of THE SENTINEL?: Cypher,BMB,and Survival
What's your favorite fan fiction story?: Too many to pick just one
Where can we find the story?: Check out the Archive
What's your second favorite fandom?: Star Trek: DS9
What's your favorite episode of it?: Doctor Bashir,I Presume
I love The Sentinel and truly enjoy all the fanfiction. Blair is my favorite but I love all the guys. The interaction between the characters is outstanding. I'm real glad you've got a webpage now and I can't wait for the next 'Jessica' story. She's a grea character.

Sue Spicher - 08/18/97 00:58:26
My Email:bsjspicher@monad.net
What's your favorite fandom?: Blair/Garett
Do you have a favorite episode of THE SENTINEL?: Cypher
What's your favorite fan fiction story?: The Devil you know.
Where can we find the story?: Http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/hills/9414/devil.htm
What's your second favorite fandom?: too many to say
I enjoy watching Blair mostly because he is so interesting to watch. Very expressive and has great eyes, lips,hands, hair and so on. You know what I mean.

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