Brian Wietmarschen
Brian is our newest member, and he plays trombone.
Okay, a while ago he gave me some info, but it was about as exciting as the senseless babble I had here earlier, so I debated just putting the senseless babble back up... but he found out about my devious plan, and got pissed that I said he was less exciting than senseless babble and he challenged me to ask him some questions if I wanted specifics. So I did. Here's the questions, and their answers.
1. When you're not playing or listening to music, what are you doing?
Sitting, reading
2. Where do you go to school?
I go to Moeller with Drew
3. Any exotic pets?
nope, just a cat and a dog
4. Any exotic habits?
not really
5. Any exotic fetishes?
6. Sex with any exotic animals?
7. How long have you been playing trombone?
6 years
8. Any other instruments/talents?
i also play tuba and baritone
9. Any quirky things you can do with your body (i.e. wierd tongue things,
double jointed, contortionist abilities etc.)?
i can bend my fingers kinda weird
10. Ever been arrested?
never been arrested
11. Drug addict?
no drugs
12. What's the stupidest thing you've ever done? Said?
can't recall dumbest thing i ever done
13. Who would be president if it was up to you?
no one
14. Latex or sheepskin condoms?
wouldn't know
15. Who's your musical hero/role model?
You Nathan...thppt
16. If aliens came down an abducted you and you could only take three things
with you, what would they be and why?
my trombone, my computer, and my girlfriend
17. What do you want to do with your pathetic life?
with my life, I do what ya see, music and friends, bout it
18. Ever seen the inside of a strip club/place of prostitution?
never seen one
19. How godly are the other members of Latex Penguin?
quite godly
20. If a man walked up to you and dropped his pants, what would you do?
no comment
21. If a plane crashes on the border of the canadian/american border, where
do they bury the survivors?
you don't bury suvivors...unlesss you're a sick twisted induvidual
22. Who's the greatest rock band in the world? Greatest current rock band?
best band ever, was probably the Beatles, my favorite currently is The
23. Are you aroused by the thought of the swedish bikini team wearing
nothing but whipped cream? If not, why not?
i am aroused by the sweedish bikini thing.