Couples to root for
and some I used to root for.
There are couples I really wanted together, and then there are some I changed my mind about. Dont write me and try to get me to change my mind, ok?.
Couple: Ross Geller and Rachel Green
Length of relationship: Spotty at best, currently have a child though the longest time they have been together is the first few seasons of Friends.
Opinion aka Why?: Although some die hard fans claim they are each other lobsters (Pheobes words) I think the spark went out of the couple went a long time ago. The last few times they might have been together could have been because of alcohol (tow vegas, tow videotape). Its time to move on with these two.
Update: Friends has ended - looks like they may reunite, will they? Sorry but too much of a spoiler to answer now.
This is my old Ross and Rachel page, so it has not changed very much
My Ross and Rachel Page.
Couple: Fox Mulder and Dana Scully
History: Partners in working for the X-file division of the FBI. Eventual union leads to a baby.
Opinion: I was once a shipper (person who roots for a couple) but as I realized I liked the cases better than the "if" aspect, it changed my mind to being a non shipper. Eventually the change in status between the Agents, in my opinion, ruined the show. I barely watch the reruns now (course David Duchovny leaving did that too.)
Some couples I still root for
Caroline In The City
Couple: Caroline Duffy and Richard Karinsky

History: Starting off as co-workers, he inked the cartoons she drew, feelings for one another started with Richard when Caroline was still with Del. He wrote a letter declaring his true love for her the night before her wedding to Del Cassidy.Then complications arose, involving the much hated Julia, they didnt become couple till season three. In the last season, due to Richards not wanting a child, and eventual leaving for Italy, Caroline got involved with an old squeeze. Richards newfound joy of fatherhood and news of a wedding brought him back to the states just as the wedding started. Fade out.
Status: Undetermined, show was cancelled at the cliffhanger, would she choose Richard to marry or her sweetheart from her hometown?
An ode to a love that will someday be theirs.
Couple: Ed Stevens and Carol Vessey 
History: Ed has loved Carol from afar for a long time. Ed is a recently divorced lawyer who returns to his old digs in Stuckeyville. He buys a bowling alley and lovingly pursues old high schoolmate Carol, who is a teacher at the school.
Status: Married in what seems to be series finale
Why I support: They are so gosh darn cute together, plus don't we all have a "Carol Vessey" in our past? Ed is our hero to cheer on, cause most of us never have the guts to pursue our dream girl or guy. Go Ed!
Shows I Don't Want Couplings On
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Show: Its about crime scene investigation. There is truth in advertising here.
Couples: None yet, but I was hoping this show would be like Law and Order (Jack and Claire?)and not have them dating each other.If there are couplings on it, I don't want to know about them. Please keep the show couple free. Or if you have to, please do not have it dominate the show - see "X-Files" further up on the page as a lesson on what not to do. If anyone does like couplings, the world of fanfiction should keep you more than satisfied.
Update: Sara and Grissom are a couple, and depending on who you believe have been for some time. Even though I'm not in favor of shipping in CSI, this one was done very well. I still want Grissom though...I'm kidding!
House MD
Show: About genius doctor who everyone can barely tolerate it, and his coworkers.
Status: Chase and Cameron are together. Wilson "dated" Cuddy for a bit and House went on a date with Cameron. (Sadly Foreman has yet to see action). If they keep it like this, its fine. Wilson (Robert Sean Leonard) is cute though.
Course this doesn't squeeing fan shippers from thinking up every concievable pairing under the sun.
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