
Lots of odds and ends regarding things in and out of the show.

Chat Transcripts

Interdimensional Chat Transcripts

Unseen Sliders:

The Sliders Lost scene!

Sliders Comedy:

Seriously wrong This was rumored to come from Jerry O'Connell, but that dosn't mean he wrote it.

These were picked up from the news group.

A Sliders Parody
Melrose Place syndrome

If you have any jokes, funny stories, humorus fan fic, or anything funny, please send it to me via E-mail.

Internet Slideing:

I love Sliders and I would love to go sliding, do you know how I can?

Well, actually I do...

How to on the Internet:

Sliding on the Internet has lots of frills and advantages. You can open the vortex at will, you can record parallel web page coordinates, and collect lots of cool pics and backgrounds, URLs to your interests, and lots more! Plus, IT'S FREE!

Step 1. Edit your browser's home page link to the following:

If you're using Netscape Navigator, go under options to general preferences and click the mouse button. Edit the address and you're on your way. If you want, you can write down or bookmark the existing address incase you want to put it back.

Step 2. Click the HOME button, and your on your way! (Ironic, don't you think?)

I've found cool backgrounds, funny sound files, and LOTS of pages that fit my interests. This is however recommended for an unlimited access account, and if you don't have one of those by now, wake up and smell the coffee!


Check out the Top Ten.

Consult The Glossary.

Click here to get the Sliders crossword puzzle!


100 Universal City Plaza
Bldg 507 Room 1A
Universal City, CA 91608
C/O Fox Broadcasting
P.O. Box 900
Beverly Hills, CA 90213

USA Networks
C/O Media Relations
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020-1513

Mr. Rod Perth
USA Network - Los Angeles
Attn: Sci-Fi Channel
2049 Century Park East
Suite 2550
Los Angeles, CA 90067

Jerry O'Connell
C/O: Steve Glick
William Morris Agency
151 El Camino Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Cleavant Derricks
C/O: Mitchell Stubbs and Assoc.
1450 South Robertson Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90035

Tembi Locke
C/O: Abrham's Artist Agency
9200 Sunset Blvd. Suite 1130
Los Angeles, CA 90069

Robert Floyd
C/O: Don Buchwald & Associates
6500 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 2200
Los Angeles, CA 90048

Kari Wuhrer
C/O: Jeff Kolodny William Morris Agency
151 El Camino Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Charlie O'Connell
C/O: Rachael Shapiro William Morris Agency
151 El Camino Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Sabrina Lloyd
C/O: Don Buchwald & Associates
6500 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 2200
Los Angeles, CA 90048

John Rhys-Davies
C/O: Emptage Hallett
24 Poland Street
London WV1 3DD, England

As far as I know, the owners of Sliders reside at Universal City Plaza, but the broadcasters of Sliders can be reached at the USA network.

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