Fine Points
Discussions on controversial issues and various technical aspects of Sliders.
I have put this page up in hopes that it will clear confusion, and offer a few ideas to some pressing questions. If you would like to respond to one or more of these issues, please feel free to E-mail me. I will incorporate it into the disscussion page.
I've seen every episode in the entire series, if
you haven't, then there are some major spoilers
below because everything is written from the post cancellation perspective.
The Final
The Original
Spectrum Stabilizer
Timer Linkage
Which Arturo
Rickman Hunt
29.7 Year Rule
Logan St. Clair
The Kromaggs
Sound Contest Editorial
The timer used by the Sliders has varyed some throughout the series, however, the final timer was the Egyptian timer from the episode Slide Like an Egyptian. This timer was origonally built to have a 500 mile landing radius but it was narrowed to 400. Its power supply was some form of a battery which was apparently rechargeable. This timer locked into the destination dimension's "frequency" via a tuning crystal of an unusually large size. It has also been modified so that the sliders can track wormholes and record parallel Earth coordinates, which was done in the episode Exodus. And, this timer seems to have been configured the same way Quinn's timer was, as a count down device based on the mathematical concept of the helix spiral (This theory determines the time remaining in each dimension). This timer served the sliders for 3 years, longer than the original. This timer was destroyed in the episode The Seer, and Rembrandt was seen taking it with him at the end. It was declared useless, but who knows.
The Prop: The in-joke in Slide Cage says it all, Universal Remote. This prop was built into the existing shell of the RCA Niteglo universal remote (model number RC4GLWE). It Looks like it has 2 super bright blue LEDs at the top with metal cylinders leading to the case, 2 10 bar graph LEDs , 2 4 bar graph LEDs , 6 (or 3 double) very unusually small 7 (14) segment LEDs, 12 digit fake key pad, some of the remote's existing buttons, a red light, and a metal plate with the engraving of a scarab on it at the bottom. The prop also used 3 control switches underneath. It used 4 AAA batteries. I can see why they chose this one to modify, it's very easy to disassemble, and it has the battery capacity to support more than just a remote, night lights as well. Plus, it's very ergonomic! ;) They run about 15-20 dollars, I have one, it's cool.
Its similar to the other timers, but it can't control the slide or accept parallel earth coordinates. This timer was built by Quinn. He made it so that the objects he threw into the vortex would return at a specified time. After a little experience with it, he redesigned it to count down. Once the timer was activated early, it fried the preset controls, which contained probably some kind of time link to the home system. It was then reconfigured to a mathematical equation: the Helix Spiral. At first it had a landing radius of only 2 miles which was due to its laser geographic spectrum stabilizer. This changed however in Double Cross when Logan swapped these parts, the result was that he now had a whispering gallery -- alleged to use sounds. This new piece enabled them to land anywhere in a four mile radius. At present, the where-abouts of this timer remain a mystery. After they missed the slide in Slide Like an Egyptian, Rembrandt was holding it, but it was never seen again. Quinn probably won't need it though, he can just auto-sync any timer with the system like he tried to in Last Days.
The Prop: Well, it's a cell phone. At first I thought it was a project case that Radio Shak sold back in 95, but apparently it's a Motorola flip phone, the Micro T-A-C Ultra Lite 550 model. At the top, there is a magnifying dome with white and red LEDs inside, 3 7 segment LEDs at the top, a turn dial, 6 (or 3) 7 (14) segment LEDs, then one red/green red and green LED with 2 green 10 LED bar graphs to the right and some of the original buttons below that, specifically, 1, 4, pow, vol, fcn, and end. The prop also has a switch on the side. It runs off of the cell battery, which is easily rechargeable. I have a phone like this one too, but it doesn\'92t work, and I need a battery. Hopefully someday I can turn them into replicas, we'll see.
The geographic
spectrum stabilizer:
This is a part found inside probably every timer. In my opinion this is what controls where and how the Sliders land. In the episode Double Cross, Logan exchanged the GSS (geographic spectrum stabilizer) in her timer for the one in Quinn's. The result was now the Sliders could land anywhere in a four hundred mile radius. So that tells us that the GSS controls the landing range but I think it also controls the location to a certain degree. That way the sliders don't land in a river of lava or on an out cropping of rock that would give way under their pressure. Some speculate that the Sliders could land in the ocean hundreds of miles out and die. I think the GSS would protect them from that. However two cases have shown otherwise. In the opening scene of Paradise Lost they land just off the beach in the ocean! They easily found their way to safety though. And in the episode Heavy Metal the timer's batteries began to run low and they land way far out in the ocean, in fact, under water! It should also be mentioned here, that Quinn also spoke of a dencitromity circut that would prevent them from landing in something solid. The GSS and that circut probably work hand and hand.
This issue has been controversial throughout the series. Almost quoting Arturo, the original timer's power was balanced for 3 people, but it handled the 4 of them adequately. Arturo though taking much more than that would strain the wormhole and cause it to collapse and send them into oblivion. Furthermore, it was possible that the Egyptian timer was balanced for only1 person. The architect had the timer to use as an escape from the pyramid once it was sealed. And the only assumption here is that he didn't intended to take anyone else with him. Now, on multiple occasions we've all seen the sliders drive cars right in to the vortex! In Love Gods, and Mother and Child, for example. And that's a lot of mass! Not to mention the numerous stragglers on the slides. Like the woman in El Sid, and the winner in Luck of The Draw. Then why the concern? Well, Arturo was concerned because the timer was damaged due to 2 early slides. And, a recent discovery may shed more light on this. Apparently, an episode that never went into production contained some events that weakened the wormhole even further. The unproduced episode finally saw light in the form of a comic called Blood and Splendor, although the episode was supposed to take place in late season 1. But, the cars and people were certainly evidence to the contrary. Both timers have handled large slides. So, the debate raged on and finally in season 3, The Exodus, Arturo did some calculations to see the maximum load that the power chip could handle. They discovered that the wormhole could carry 300 people for at least one slide(note, that was performed on the Egyptian timer however). The debate sort of died out since that episode, but it's been up here since the start, so I'll just leave it.
The timer is linked to a system back home. False! In the pilot episode, Quinn used the equipment in his lab to create a wormhole. His timer was used to access the wormhole and slide to a new Earth. The Egyptian timer was set up in the same way. There has been some speculation that if the home sliding system was turned off, or dismantled, the sliders would just be stuck somewhere, unable to create a wormhole and slide from that world. But at the Dragon Con conference, a panel discussion with Tracy Torme revealed the truth. The sliding generator just created one wormhole to be used. The timer then, was programmed and able to access the wormhole at specific times (like when the power balance is right). So, it's like one straw being used for many different drinks. This applies to any timer. After the preset controls were destroyed on the timer, the Sliders reprogrammed it to be based on the Helix Spiral (done in episode Summer of Love). Now they can only interface with the wormhole at certain times because of the weakened abilities of the timer.
The Skinny: When the sliders landed in Post Traumatic Slide Syndrome, the sliders unknowingly ran into a double of Arturo. On this carbon copy world, Arturo never slid with the group (in the pilot). But because the world was so similar, the differences between the two Professors were very hard to distinguish. Sliders fans are probably divided about 50:50 when it comes to this issue, although the heat of it has died down since the character left the show. The following are facts in this episode and in the rest of the series to support the arguments. If there is something here I have missed, please tell me. In the arguments below I will refer to the wrong Arturo as the Professor and our slider as Arturo.
The right one slid. Some people (as well as myself) believe that the correct Arturo slid in the end of the episode. No one has brought up the issue in other episodes, and now that he has passed on, no one ever question it, unfortunately. During the scene of the Professor's liberation in Post Traumatic Slide Syndrome, he renders the story of how he was captured. This means nothing, because he was there for the whole kidnaping. He said he had been held down there for most of the slide. So, that tells us he hasn't been exposed to what's happened unless the Professor told him. Another deduction is in the scene where the doubles are talking in the basement. Arturo listed some of the worlds they have visited and wondered who would know that but him. The Professor replied that anyone would who had read wade's published diary. He screwed up there because, how could he have known that if he was trapped down there for the whole slide?!?! That's why Arturo said he was disgraced to have him as a double, because he didn't believe he would screw up like that. More towards the end, the two are fighting and as Arturo breaks away, he says "Hurry my boy". This kind of close relationship reference would have only been said by our Arturo. And further support comes from an interview with Tracy Torme who said that the right one actually slid, but they wanted to "have some fun with that" in later episodes. Also a person who had a chance to talk to Sabrina Lloyd said she asked the writers about the issue and they said that the intention was that the correct one went with the group. That's about it, some people choose to disregard this though because they believe that, unless it is said in the show, it doesn't have any weight on it. Many fans have a desire to see more done with this issue, but it's already been said that it wouldn't be touched in the movie(because you needed to see the episode).
The wrong one slid. Others say that the double of Arturo (the wrong one) went with them in the end of the show. As the vortex closed in the end of the episode, Arturo stood up and said, "Oh my god...". This could be interpreted as dismay at missing the slide. Or, the Professor is in disbelief because he knows that he lost the one and probably only opportunity at success/fame. And while there are other possible conclusions, in my opinion, the first is probably the most logical one out there. Also, while they were rummaging through the Arturo's house, Wade made a comment, "I didn't know the Professor wore bifocals." The Arturo native to that world needed glasses, while the real one didn't according to Wade. Arturo was seen wearing the glasses in later episodes. However, he did wear them in earlier ones. In Last Days Arturo put his glasses on while working on the Atom Bomb. I think they just threw this in to confuse people.
He was a nemesis for the show for several episodes in the end of the 3rd season. In an episode called The Exodus, the Sliders acquired some new technology and an enemy, Mr. Rickman. As slides went on, they began to chase Rickman from world to world, tracking his wormhole each time they slid. But there was only one problem with that. What if, the Sliders' timer hit zero before Rickman's did? The Sliders would have to slide before Rickman, leaving him and his timer behind (and their chance to get home because his timer contained the coordinates to Earth prime). This scenario never came up of course, but if it did, I suppose they could slide back to the same world they just left. Rickman did something similar in the episode Dinoslide.
But this whole thing (above issue) raises another interesting question. If Rickman can access a window of opportunity and the Sliders can too while on the same world, then that means there are two. This would seem to violate the 29.7 year rule. According to the mathematical properties of the Helix Spiral, (which the timer is based on) if the immediate window is missed, there won't be another opportunity to slide for 29.7 years. This was mentioned in the lost scene from Summer of Love and was mentioned again in Rules of the Game. What some have concluded though, is that since each timer has that program; it has nothing to do with the dimension.
In the episode The Other Slide of Darkness, we see Quinn's dobbleganger, "Smarter" Quinn again. The first apperance by him was in the pilot; he gave Quinn the answer to the fomula. In the apparent infinite universe though, it's odd that our sliders would run into him again. "Smarter" Quinn was apparently crazy and deranged from sliding alone, running from the Kromaggs. This person demonstrates clearly that, with no grounding what so ever, you will go insane from sliding. But what happened to him at the end of the episode? In the beginning of the episode, Adra had a dream that showed Quinn being killed. Adra interpreted it as our Quinn. During the fight scene at the end, it looked like our Quinn knocked his double out. The Sliders left, with Quinn unharmed. The fact that there was a double of Quinn probably confused Adra. She saw a Quinn being killed, and just assumed he was ours. I think "Smarter" Quinn was in the vision though. The sight of Quinn in the vision, indicates that the villagers probably killed him. It probably had something to do with the vortex but we may never know.
Logan St. Clair may have died at the end of the episode. Although it appeared that she would have just gone to another dimension, I believe otherwise. If you look at Logan's problem, her probes were burning up because of incorrect reentry coordinates. If she ever did make it home, she would burn up on reentry because she still doesn't have the correct reentry coordinates. In fact, she may have burned up upon arrival on her next world. It depends on what Quinn entered into her timer. I think she either died or is now doomed to never go home. That's why Quinn was so quiet after she slid, he knew what he sentenced her to.
I think that parallel dimensions are quantized. Electron orbits are quantized too, which means that the orbits increase by a specific amount. Like going up stairs, instead of a ramp. I think when they slide, they slide to worlds separated by a quantized amount. Meaning there isn't a world just anywhere, but every 100 feet. (Just as an example.) There have been some loose cements in the show indicating that the number of worlds is definable, not infinite. In the end of Into the Mystic Arturo seems puzzled about a constant dealing with worlds. So as they are moving along, they encounter worlds that have a certain amount of difference, not something real minute. The difference would be something noticeable, not one word out of place in Germany. That's just a guess though (I'm not really well versed on quantum physics :) ). So... Any Earth close to their own would have noticeable changes. They made it home in The Exodus and Into the Mystic. (Although I still think that making the statement that they were home with such little info to back it up is still questionable.)
In the Episode Invasion we saw the first appearance of the Kromaggs. They were amazed by the fact that the fearless foursome could slide! The Kromaggs posed the sliders with some considerable threats though. They can control/block the slide and they have a far superior technology base. After interrogating our sliders about the location of their home Earth and their intentions, they released them. With one catch, one of the sliders has a homing device implanted in them. At this point, we don't know who it was implanted in. However, in the fourth season we find out that Quinn had it in him. Also we learn that the Kromagg's home world was shared with humans until a major war banished them from their world about 20 years ago. The entire race has been roaming about just conquering different earths and occasionally running across the sliders. They have been debatably the only feasible nemesis for the show. When Sliders was airing on FOX, they kept searching for some type of recurring conflict in the show. Logan was tried, Kromaggs, Rickman and some others were all tried, none worked out well but the Kromaggs (and some question that). There's an in joke about that in Slide Cage.
Secret sound contest
There is no editorial at this time, but when the next person wins, I'll put it up here.
As more issues arise, or if I feel that existing ones need to be talked about, I'll post them here.
Please send
your input about these subjects or anything to me, Slider17