Character Profiles
A biography of the characters from Sliders.
Quinn "Q-ball" Mallory
Quinn Mallory (played by Jerry O'connell) is an advanced physics student currently missing from his home Earth. Quinn kept a video journal of his life and on september 27th made his final entry. On the sliders first Earth visited Quinn corrupted the integrity of the program in the timer by activating it early and condemned his friends and a stranger to wonder the universe until they could find a way home. As time went on, Quinn rallied different cultures with social reform and new ideas. However, Quinn's greatest achievement is probably providing the safe passage for 150 people off a doomed planet to a new safe home. Quinn has dealt with the psychological forces in his life well. Although he felt guilt for high jacking his friends lives, they didn't blame him, after all, the two did volunteer to slide. But he alto felt an enormous responsibility to correct the situation. He never gave up looking for home, or a way to get there. Quinn lost his father when he was 12 and has always had a needy hole in his heart for someone to look up to and guide him. Arturo fit in well. Quinn's mentors his professor and as they became closer during the slides, they began to develop a father/son type relationship. When Arturo passed on, it affected him deeply and one again felt the loss of a family member. During all this he felt for his mother as well, for she too was now alone. Even though he learned he was adopted, and didn't know until the very end, he still loved his mother as if she were his own. Quinn has a lot of integrity, he could have become bitter and spiteful through all this, but he never swayed from his usual caring do-gooding self.
Wade Kathleen Welles
Wade Welles (played by Sabrina Lloyd) is a "retired" computer salesman for Doppler Computer Store. She along with 3 others went to explore parallel dimensions with her co-worker and personal friend Quinn Mallory. Before this however, she attended junior collage and was majoring in poetry and prose. Wade's un-reciprocated infatuation to Quinn faded as the months passed but has recently become involved with Rembrandt. Wade has provided incentive for involvement in several parallel cultures, and helped release the Constitution on one world. She also has helped direct a hippie's culture by relating to them her knowledge of astrology. Wade's belief in karma, astrology and a higher plain of existence, helped her obtain peace, not only with herself, but others she met as well. And, her keen and clever ideas and intimate knowledge of computers have saved the group countless times. Although her life met an untimely end, she doesn't harbor any ill will towards anyone. She was presented with a unique opportunity once she became involved with a psyonic drive project, and chose to help her friend Rembrandt escape while at the same time passing up to a higher plain of existence. She said she would be around and I'm sure her spirit will always be there to help us out.
Maximillian P. Arturo
Maximillian P. Arturo (played by John Rhys-Davies) was a Professor of cosmology and ontology and the university of California. Arturo had many ideas and theories, all of course dealing with advanced quantum physics. However he was never fully recognized in his field. The Professor disappeared from his home Earth when a young student in his class lost control of his invention. He had arrived at the house after an altercation with Quinn's alternate self. While there, he saw that Quinn had solved the unified field theorem and much more. This was an impressive find to the professor because it toped his own abilities. This type of math ws easy for Quinn, and the professor was always aware of that fact. Professor Arturo traveled to many worlds and left his influence in many places. His philosophy of non-involvement was thrown aside several times, like when he created Penicillin on one Earth, to the time he calculated out the maximum amount of people able to slide in Exodus. Arturo is a firm believer in science and his unwavering skepticism proved it time and again. Arturo will have a song written for him by Rembrandt Brown to commemorate his outstanding character traits and abilities.
Rembrandt Lee "Cryin man" Brown
Rembrandt Brown (played by Cleavant Derricks) was taken from his Earth by a "blue swirling disc floating in mid-air". He ws on his way to revitalizing his career when Quinn lost control of an experiment. His expected appointment at the ball park to sing was missed, and it prompted an investigation by the FBI. Rembrandt is fairly famous a rhythm and blues singer with 5 gold records at home. Remmy has ben around and now in his mid- forties, is very street wise. He has often wielded a gun to help protect the sliders and always stands up for himself. He is a big believer in freedom and he is very against oppression of any form. He isn't really fluent about sci-fi, but he brings the every man feel into it by translating the techno-bable into english. And at some point he must have been in the navy, although he doesn't talk about it much. Rembrandt was also a POW with the Kromaggs for about 3 months. This was a very intense time in his life and it probably changed him forever. The events that happened with Wade and Quinn have given him emotional scars that have been resolved, but are still very much with him. Remmy is also a religious man. He usually turns to religion to find answers or guidance. As he put it once, it's private, secure and best of all, it's free. Remmy finally made it home and wants to free his Earth from Kromagg oppression.
Margaret Allison Beckett
Maggie Beckett (played by Kari Wurther) joined group after her husband was killed by a deranged soldier named Angus Rickman. Now in her mid twenties, she grew up on a world where the cold war was hot and threat of Asian invasion was very real, in fact the battle of Herosima took place on the Californian coast. She served as a fighter pilot for the marines and held the rank of Captain. Her world has since been destroyed by pulsars. Being a generals daughter has made her a distinguished military career and an excellent marksman. Maggie hasn't had the best relationship with her father, but sliding has helped her explore issues in her life. Her late husband was Dr. Steven Jenson was responsible for helping our sliders get home. He lost the ability to move on his own and for the last year a a half of his life was wheelchair bound. This put Maggie through some emotional turbulence which has helped her relate to others on a more personal level. Once he died, she grieved, but was then drawn towards Quinn. They developed a kinsman ship that could be likened to husband and wife. As time went on, Maggie seemed to settle down and wise up to things in life. She is still single and devoted to sliding.
Colin Mallory
Colin Mallory (played by Charlie O'connell) was Quinn's brother in the show and in real life. Colin grew up on a world where the Amish way of life was the dominate one. Brains must run in the family, because despite the setting, Colin still showed signs of high intelligence. Colin too, was adopted and he lost his parents at an early age. This caused him to fend for himself and he learned about not being wanted. His fetish for science cast him out of his community and away from the love of his life, Christine. He left her along with the rest of his world behind forever to slide with his brother Quinn. After about a year, bad luck brought them across a scientist which performed an experiment that resulted in Colin being unstuck. What does this mean? That we probably won't ever see Colin again, is he alive? Probably not. Unfortunate, because had Quinn never found him, he would probably still be alive.
Diana Davis (Played my Timbi Lock) studied at the university of california and has a masters in quantum physics. Even though the Diana we know has led a very successful life most of her doubles she's seen hasn't. Seeing this has made her realize her good fortune and appreciate the opportunities that Oberon Geiger afforded her. Diana began sliding after Dr. Geiger experimented on Mallory. Dr. Davis has led a fairly sheltered life and isn't very street wise. Her younger life consisted of 6 hours of studying a night never going out to just cut loose. She had a wake up call however during a slide into purgatory, and it made her realize the difference between her ideals and reality. Diana is practical if she's anything, and she's got a no nonsense look on life. She has applied this idea to the timer as well. Even though it came from another dimension and significantly different culture, Diana put the same philosophy to it as she did her life. Fixing the timer's somewhat typical problems, she has kept the sliders going a couple of times. And she is still the backbone of their hope.Diana Davis Mallory (Played by Robert Floyed) was created in an experiment conducted by a scientist named Oberon Giger. Mallory is somewhat of a wild cat and has an adventuresome streak in him. He rides motorcycles, and was prone to mischief in his youth. His criminal record is proof of that. Mallory became bound to a wheel chair after getting into an accident. Oberon Giger was able to extract healthy DNA from one of his doubles and enable him to walk again. That same scientist performed another experiment and fused this Quinn Mallory with his double, our slider, and made Mallory. Our hero became dormant and this Quinn remained, absorbing our slider and retaining his memories and feelings. This jumble of thoughts and memories was best expressed when he remembered loosing the professor and felt the loss like no other, but he didn't really, know who he was. After having a religious experience, Mallory has come to terms with his fused double. And as he said, the other Quinn is gone forever. Later, his friends discover that there really is no way to separate them again. Mallory, just like Quinn, still just wants to get home.Mallory