Photos Gallery II


This is one of the shows I done with the "Jayne" singer, it was 2 years (1992-1993) doing shows at the brazilian stages, the most part in the rodeos parties".

Grupo Tempero

This is one of the shows with "Grupo Tempero", which took off with the hit "Vida de Amante" at the same year I participated as keyboardist (1994)

Grupo Feitiço

Here I am playing with the band which was released by the famous singer "Luis Carlos" from "Raça Negra" band. We done several openings with "Raça Negra" in the Brazil, even so a "Olímpia" time (SP) at the same year (1995).


Here it's me in my home-studio, where I used to pass the most of time studying, composing, recording and testing new arrangements. In That place I've done several records for local bands.


Here I am in the middle of a record session.

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