Photos Gallery I
Minoria Radical
First Pop-Rock band, former at 1986, Santos - SP.
This first work we've got a important local success
Components: (Left to Right) Marcelo Reis - Bass and voice,
Maurício - Keyboards and backing vocals, Robinson - Guitar and backing vocals,
Marcelo Jensen - Drums and Percussion, Daniel Fortes (me) - Acoustic Guitar,
Keyboards, voice and backing vocals.
Internacional Betinho
I participated of this important Big Band in the years of 1987, 1988 e 1989.
Formação:(Left to right) Robson - solo guitar
and backing vocals, Giló - Bass, Anselmo - base guitar, Cassio Viana -
voice, Gaucho - Drums, Sergião - piston and percussion, Daniel Fortes (me)
- keyboards and backing vocals, Cristina - voice
Here I'm playing with the Rosana singer at 1989 in the tourneé
"O Amor e o Poder". Even so the pic is in bad resolution, in the front the stage is she
and in the back, on the keyboards, I am.
Domingão do Faustão
Here,it's me playing keyboard in the TV Globo presentation, with the famous duo "Matogrosso & Mathias" at the 1990 year.
Domingão do Faustão
Another angle from the same day. at back you can see the "Mathias" singer

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