Hello and welcome to John Lewallen's humble
home on the web! The Current time here in Bloomington Indiana is....
is constantly

I took this picture using my video
capture device, then I used an image editor and a fractal generator to
make the background.
I made this page because I really
like image editing and fancy special effects like I see in the movies.
I enjoy trying to replicate these special effects on my computer, sure
it's not a real professional job, but it is pretty entertaining. How can
I do this? Well first I got a video capture device for our computer and
hooked up to our family video camera. After most of the errors were worked
out I started exploring the software that came with the device. The software
was designed to create video presentations and has several features that
let you do this. I found ways to use these features to create dazzling
movie special effects (although not as good as the professionals).
I also like midi files and have even composed
a few of my own on my midi keyboard. Midi files can be converted and used
to create movie background music. Midi files can easily be edited unlike
real recorded music and take up much less file space, however there are
no vocal parts to midi files.
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