Mp3 Audio Layer-3 Encoder

L3ENC.EXE is an ISO/MPEG Layer-3 software only encoder.
It takes audio data files as input and delivers Layer-3 coded bitstream files as output. Several options can be selected via command line switches. The compression ratio of MP3ENC.EXE is 1:10 according to the switches you are using.

L3ENC.EXE should work on any IBM PC compatible computer with a 386 type CPU or better with external or built in 387 hardware floating point support. A Pentium CPU or better is recommended.

To achieve the highest possible sound quality for your Mp3-files, MP3ENC.EXE is best used with the -hq switch.

EXAMPLE : L3ENC.EXE -hq c:\dir\filename.wav c:\dir\filename.mp3

For further use of MP3ENC.EXE you should read the MANUAL.TXT included in the ZIP-file.

To find out everything about Mp3, go to the World of Mp3-Audio.

To download Mp3-files go to
Mp3-Audio Archive.
Tons of Mp3 songs.

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