Foxs Den Link
Gargoyle Lair Link
Forest Paths Link
Cavern Etchings Link
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Greetings visitors -- by chance, or perhaps on purpose, you have stumbled upon my little ramblings section of Rodnoi. You are in luck too, as I just did a major update on the 16th November 2000!

I originally created this section to house information about my original Gargoyles character (and namesake), Thaylog. His information is still here, under Gargoyle Lair, but now you will find other personal favourites, like links and a bit of artwork.

What will you find in my new little sub-division of Rodnoi? Lots of things!! Use the links to the left to browse all the sections my Terriroty offers, or use the chart below to 'pick and choose' just what you want to see:

* Fox's Den: Images of (bishounen) from Kaikan, Seimaden and Bronze/Zetsuai 89.
* Gargoyle Lair: Meet my Gargoyle self with stories, original artwork and poetry.
* Forest Paths: Links to pages I adore or those that don't fit elsewhere in the Realm.
* Cavern Etchings: Some artwork projects I've completed through the years.

And on a side note, do let me know you visited by signing the Guest Book. So many visitors and so few signers *sigh*
