Gargoyles The Movie: The Heroes Awaken

Keith David: One thousand years ago, superstition and the sword ruled. It is an age of darkness. It is an age of fear. It is the age of gargoyles.

Jonathan Frakes: I'm Jonathan Frakes, one of the actors helping to bring the new animated series, Gargoyles, to life. I play David Xanatos, the rich and powerful businessman who seeks to exploit the might of the gargoyles...

Xanatos: Yes.

Jonathan Frakes: ...for his own purposes.

Xanatos: Trust me.

Goliath: We will never trust humans again.

Keith David ("Goliath"): My name is Keith David, and I play Goliath.

Goliath: You're awake! You're alive! We're together again.

Keith David: Here we are in the twenty-first century.

Black Gang Member: Let's get 'em. Huh?

Marina Sirtis ("Demona"): I'm Marina Sirtis and I play Demona. Demona is the bad gargoyle. She's the one that, uh, is totally opposite to all the other gargoyles. Demona is the evil one.

Salli Richardson ("Elisa"): I'm Salli Richardson and I play Elisa.

Goliath: This is Elisa Maza.

Elisa: Second class, NYPD.

Salli Richardson: Well, Goliath and I sort of have a special relationship.

Elisa: Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

Jonathan Frakes: To bring these mythical creatures to life, one of the most impressive production teams ever assembled for an animated series is hard at work. Master animators and story tellers stretch the limits of their imaginations with dramatic visuals and suspenseful adventures.

Bruno: Get her!

Jamie Thomason (Casting Director): The style of animation is really bold, strong, a lot of action.

Gary Krisel (Pres. TV Animation): They are the, uh, creatures of honor in the world of crime.

Greg Guler (Character Development): In the night they're up there.

Greg Weisman (Creative Executive): It's intense from beginning to end.

Jonathan Frakes: They are the new defenders of the night. Gargoyles.

Present Day

Crowd: (Shouts)

Morgan: Get back!

Elisa: Maza. 23rd. What's goin' on here?

Morgan: Got me, Detective. Must be a heck of a party up there.

Elisa: Get back! (Sigh) Or you'll wind up street pizza. Claw marks? (Gasp) What could be strong enough to leave claw marks in solid stone?

994 AD

Hakon: Fire!

Hakon's Soldier: Attacking a castle full of gargoyles near nightfall. This is crazy, and Hakon knows it.

Hakon: No, my friend. That's not crazy. Questioning my sanity when I'm in earshot. That's crazy. I say those gargoyles are not but chiseled stone. And even if they aren't, it's worth the risk for the plunder within. Attack!

Goliath: You are trespassing.

Hakon: Fight men! They are not invincible!

Brooklyn: Shall we let our brothers and sisters have all the fun?

Lexington: Not afraid, are you?

Broadway: Afraid? Me?! Huh! Why, all of nature trembles at my passing.

Lexington: (Chuckles) I can see why.

Goliath: Watch your back, old friend.

Hudson: Hm, watch your own.

Demona: Face me, human, if you dare.

Goliath: I see you've met our watchdog. And my second in command as well. I grow tired of this. Take what's left of your men, and be gone!

Hakon: This isn't over monster! I'll be back!

Voice 1: I knew we could do it!

Voice 2: They fled before our eyes!

Voice 3: *Come* face the Gargoyles!

Captain: Goliath, we owe you our lives.

Goliath: As we owe you ours every day.

Soldier 1: (Laugh) Well, I don't mind telling you, I thought we were all under the sword there for a while.

Soldier 2: Aye, a fine soldier is our Captain of the Guard.

Soldier 1: Captain of the Gargoyles, you mean.

Soldier 2: He-he'd fit right well on the cornices with them. It's a fact.

Princess Katharine: Our thanks for a battle well fought, good Captain.

Captain: The credit is not mine to take, your highness. Without Goliath and his Gargoyles, our defense would have proven useless.

Princess Katharine: Please. Don't mention that monster's name in my presence.

Filthy monsters in the castle.

Captain: Uh, your pardon, your highness. I took the liberty of asking them to appear and be recognized for their bravery.

Princess Katharine: Captain, we are most seriously displeased to allow beasts in the dining hall.

Magus: You speak wisely, Princess. These are unnatural creatures. No good can come from associating with them.

Goliath: If you will excuse us, your highness.

Princess Katharine: In the future, Captain, you will make your reports to my advisor, the Magus, not directly to me!

Captain: My apologies for this, Goliath.

Goliath: No apologies needed. We are what we are. Her opinion will not change that.

Demona: Have you no pride? No sense of justice? We saved their lives and they repay us with contempt.

Captain: She is right, Goliath. You deserve better than this.

Demona: These cliffs were our home ages before they built their stone fortress. They should bow to us!

Goliath: It is the nature of humankind to fear what they do not understand. Their ways are not our ways.

Horse Rider: You seek the fall of Castle Wyvern?

Hakon: What of it?

Horse Rider: Perhaps a bargain can be made.

Hakon: I'm listening.

Captain: Those Vikings may return at daybreak, Goliath. I say take all your Gargoyles and make sure they're gone.

Demona: I agree. Let us go out in force and put an end to these pigs once and for all.

Goliath: Mm, too dangerous. I don't want to leave the castle unprotected.

Captain: Their leader swore he'd be back. It's best to harry them far away now and not take that chance.

Goliath: (Sigh) Very well. But I shall do it. I can scare those cowards away without any help. (Laugh)

Demona: That's too dangerous for you. Let me come along at least.

Goliath: You and the others will stay with the castle. You are my best warrior. I leave you in command.

Demona: No. I cannot let you.

Goliath: I won't go alone. Remember, you and I are one, now and forever.

Lexington: Here, catch! Throw it over here! Catch!

Brooklyn: No! Back this way! Back this way! Over here!

Lexington: Watch out! Whoa! Wai--! Here! Here! Here! Catch!

Tom: I'm Tom. What's your name?

Lexington: Except for Goliath, we don't have names.

Tom: How do you tell each other apart?

Lexington: We look different.

Tom: But, what do you call each other?

Brooklyn: Friend.

Mary: Tom! Get away from those monsters!

Tom: But, Mother!

Brooklyn: We wouldn't hurt the lad, ma'am.

Mary: Keep away from him, ya beast!

Demona: You're the beast, you--

Brooklyn: No. If they think we're beasts and monsters--

Lexington: Then, perhaps we'd better live up to the name.

Broadway: Ooh. What is it? Are we being attacked again?

Goliath: You three. Down to the rookery until I return. I'll deal with you then. And take him with you.

Brooklyn: We meant no harm.

Demona: Are you blind? They were not at fault. The humans were.

Goliath: No matter who was at fault, I cannot condone fighting between their people and ours. I will make it up to them, later. Now I have business to attend to.


Hudson: It's them, right enough. But the tracks are very light for horses carrying armored men.

Goliath: They're not far ahead. Come.

Hudson: It's not long until sunrise. Perhaps we should return.

Goliath: There they are!

They were leading the horses to decoy us from the castle.

Hudson: We're too late!

Hakon: Attack!

Princess Katharine: (Pant, pant) Captain! Captain! The Vikings, Captain! We are attacked!

Captain: It is worse than that, your highness.

Hakon's Soldier: Move! Now!

Hakon: Not that I'm ungrateful for your help, but, why? Why betray your own kind?

Captain: They're not my kind.

Hakon: Well, to work. There's little enough time for it.

Captain: This is unnecessary!

Hakon: Are you mad?! In a moment they'll be flesh again and my men will be their prey!

Captain: Once your band is out of sight, they won't follow. It's not their nature.

Hakon: Ah, well, in that case... Care to discuss the matter further?

Captain: N-N-No.

Hakon: I haven't lived this long by taking foolish chances.

Goliath: Nooooooo.

My... Angel of the Night. Arrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!

Hudson: These bowstrings have been cut. There was betrayal here.

Goliath: Were any more down in the rookery?

Broadway: None. Only us.

Hudson: All the humans are gone. Taken prisoner, most likely.

Goliath: Then we will find them. We will save the humans, and we will have our revenge!!

Hakon's Men: (Much cheering)

Mary: (Crying) Oh, God.

Tom: My friends, the Gargoyles, will come, Mother.

Mary: Nay. The Gargoyles were destroyed. All of'm.

Hakon: Mmmm, the Magus is worth more alive than dead. Barely.

Captain: True. But I'm sure your uncle, the King, will pay handsomely to see his niece returned alive.

Magus: You blackguard. If I had my book of spells I'd--

Hakon: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Might you be referring to this book, Magus? Magic spells. Ha! Makes me glad I can't read.

Magus: No! My spells!

Hakon: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

Princess Katharine: Oh, traitor. I'll see ya both hanged for this.

Hakon: Do not vex me, Princess, or it's your neck.

Hakon's Man 1: They're coming!

Hakon's Man 2: Look out!

Hakon's Man 1: Run for your lives!

Hakon: You said they wouldn't follow us!

Captain: If you hadn't destroyed the others!

Hakon: Your precious Gargoyles have come, Princess.

Princess Katharine: The Gargoyles. You're a dead man, Hakon.

Hakon: Maybe. But not before you!

Magus: Let her go! Princess. Help! Somebody help! He's going to slay her! Princess!

Tom: I told you they'd save us.

Magus: You fools! She'd be alive now if you hadn't come! They would have ransomed us both! But you invaded their camp, and now--

Hudson: What's all this? Where's the Princess?

Magus: Dead. And could I but wield a sword, I would send you all to join her. But this will have to do instead. Dormiatis dum castellum super nubes ascendat!

Goliath: You are the betrayer?!

Captain: It was not supposed to be this way.

Goliath: All of my kind are dead. And now, you two will join them!

Captain: I told you to take the other Gargoyles with you. If you'd only listened!

Goliath: Traitor!!

Hakon: He's the one you want! He shattered them!

Captain: You lying scum!!

Goliath: I've been denied everything! Even my revenge!!!!!!!!

Princess Katharine: Goliath, I--

Tom: Goliath! You've got to help your friends!

Goliath: Stone. At night? What sorcery is this?!

Magus: Sorcery indeed. And now you shall join them. Princess.

Princess Katharine: Oh, Magus. What have you done?

Magus: I-I-I thought you were dead, your highness. I was mad with grief.

Goliath: Reverse the spell! Bring them back!!

Magus: I-I cannot! The page with the counterspell was burned!

Goliath: Now I am truly alone.

Princess Katharine: You turned them to stone forever?

Magus: The terms of the spell were that they would sleep "until the castle rises above the clouds."

Princess Katharine: We've done you a great wrong, Goliath.

Magus: I-I know that no apology can be enough, Goliath. I wish there was something I could do.

Goliath: What will you do now, Princess?

Princess Katharine: I'll take my people to my uncle. It's no longer safe for us here.

Goliath: There is something you can do for me, Magus. Cast your spell one more time.

Present Day

Xanatos: At last. Castle Wyvern.

Magnificent. Make the offer now, Owen. This instant.

Owen: May I say one last time, Mr. Xanatos, that the costs of this venture will be astronomical.

Xanatos: Then it had better be worth it, hadn't I?. Start hiring crews. I want to begin as soon as possible.

Don't disappoint me.

Goliath: You're awake! You're alive! We're together again.

Lexington: Huh? Aaah--

Hudson: Wh-What's this?

Brooklyn: How could it be?

Hudson: Where are we?

Xanatos: You are the one called Goliath?

Goliath: Yes?

Xanatos: Excellent.

Xanatos: This may be a shock. You are the last of your kind. A thousand years have gone by since the spell was cast. I learned about the castle in Ussex from an ancient book that recently came into my possession. The Magus who cursed you wrote the whole story down in there. Now, I'm sure you have questions.

Hudson: How did you break the spell?

Xanatos: It was designed to end when the castle rose above the clouds.

Goliath: Why have you done all this?

Xanatos: I was fascinated by the Magus's story. I wanted to see if it was true. And, now that I know it is, I want to be your friend. There is much we can do for each other, Goliath.

Goliath: Such as?

Xanatos: Well we-- I'm not expecting anyone. You'll be safer if you stay here.

Bruno: Secure the area.

Xanatos: What do you want?

Bruno: You'll know, soon enough.

Brooklyn: What's going on? Who are these people?

Hudson: They're attackin' the castle! That's all we need to know!

Hudson: Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!

Brooklyn: Leave him alone.

Lexington: Are you a Viking?

Hudson: These weapons. We must be battling sorcerers.

Goliath: Even so. We will protect this castle. It's all we have left!

Commando: Catch!

Elisa: Get back! (Sigh) Or you'll wind up street pizza. Claw marks?

Bruno: Got it!

Let's go! We got what we came for.

Brooklyn: That flying creature that carried them off.

Hudson: A dragon without a doubt.

Lexington: It wasn't a dragon. It was a-a, a machine of some sort.

Xanatos: Thank you. Without you and your friends, who knows what those thugs might have done.

Goliath: Someone I once trusted said the same thing to me. And then destroyed my people.

Xanatos: Mmm. I can see I'll have to work hard to earn your trust.

Goliath: Mmmmmm.

Morgan: What do you figure that was all about, Detective?

Elisa: I don't know, but I'm going to find out.

Owen: A most unfortunate accident. One of the newly installed generators in the castle exploded. Mr. Xanatos is quite willing to pay for any damages that might have-

Elisa: Mr. Burnett, I heard automatic weapons firing up there. Now, you can let me look the place over, or I can come back with a warrant and a lot more cops. It's your call.

Must have a heck of a heating bill.

Xanatos: Detective Maza, I've just called the mayor to offer my profound apologies for what happened here.

Elisa: What exactly did happen here, Mr. Xanatos? And, please, don't try to tell me it was an exploding generator.

Xanatos: That's for the press. The truth is that my men repelled an invasion by a rival corporation trying to steal some of our new technology.

Elisa: Repelled an invasion? You're a private citizen, Xanatos, not a country.

Xanatos: Detective, I am the owner of a multinational corporation, which is bigger than many countries you could name.

Elisa: I assume you have permits for the weapons I heard being fired up here.

Xanatos: Of course.

Owen: Excuse me, Mr. Xanatos. There seems to be a problem in the kitchen with our new guests.

Xanatos: I hope I've answered all your questions satisfactorily, Detective Maza. Owen will show you out. Excuse me.

Owen: If you'll come with me?

Is there a problem, Detective?

Elisa: That stone gargoyle up there. I could have sworn I saw it move.

Owen: Heh. Yes. This old place is rather spooky at night. I've thought the same thing more than once. Good night, Detective.

Elisa: Good night.

Sorry pal, but this investigation isn't over yet.
Don't tell me this is where Dracula shows up.
Huh. A good laugh would be worth a lot of money right about now.
Okay, pal! Let me see ya, nice and easy.
Okay, okay, just take it easy.

Goliath: What were you doing in my castle?

Elisa: You-you can talk? Who-What are you?

Goliath: My kind have no names. But you humans call me Goliath.

Elisa: Your kind? You mean there's more than one of you?

Goliath: (Sigh) Barely.

Elisa: Wait. Don't go. Uh, look, we need to either get back down to the street or up to the castle. Since you can fly--

Goliath: I can't fly. I can only glide on currents of wind. There are none strong enough here to lift us back up.

Elisa: So we're stuck here?

Goliath: (Sigh) Hold on.

Trust me.

Elisa: I don't believe this.

(Pants) Ahh! I forgot about him.

Goliath: He won't hurt you. Now, once again, what are you doing here? And, please, don't fall off the building this time.

Hudson: A fine mess you made of that kitchen, lads. When I heard that crash, I thought the--

Lexington: Look! Goliath's talking to that human.

Elisa: So a thousand years ago you were betrayed by the one human you trusted. Does anyone else know about you?

Goliath: Only the man called Xanatos. He brought us here.

Elisa: Uh, this can't be happening.

Brooklyn: (Sniff, sniff, sniff) Is this a new friend, Goliath?

Elisa: Boy, I hope so.

Goliath: This is Elisa Maza. A...detective?

Elisa: Second class, NYPD.

Hudson: What exactly does a detective do, lass?

Elisa: Well, uh, when somebody does something wrong, I find out who and arrest them.

Goliath: Who says what's wrong?

Elisa: Well, we have a justice system, laws, penalties, assessments, that the people decide.

Goliath: You mean the humans decide. You have to go! Now!

Elisa: Wait! Will I see you again? I'd like to know more about you. Look, you saved my life, so I owe you. Let me help you understand this city. You need to know how it works.

Goliath: If we're to defend the castle, (sigh) I suppose we need to be prepared for whatever's out there. Very well.

Elisa: Good. Tomorrow's my day off. I'll meet you in the afternoon at--

Goliath: After dark.

Elisa: Uh, why am I not surprised? Okay, here after dark.

Goliath: No. Not here. Over there, on that rooftop.

Elisa: Why there?

Goliath: Why were you sneaking into the castle?

Elisa: A good detective trusts no one.

Goliath: That's one thing we have in common.

Hudson: It seems that much has changed from what we knew.

Goliath: Yes. And if we are to survive in this new world, we need to learn about it and the humans who rule here.

Owen: Goliath!

Goliath: It is almost dawn, Xanatos. My friends and I must sleep soon.

Xanatos: This won't take long. I'm asking for your help, Goliath. That team who attacked us earlier stole something very important from me. The box they took contained three of these hard disks.

Goliath: Disks?

Xanatos: Think of them as magic talismans, each one containing hundreds of spells. It is vitally important that you and your friends get them back for me.

Goliath: Perhaps you should use a...a detective.

Xanatos: You're learning fast. I can't go to the police. I've already had to forestall an investigation of the fight. Think of the trouble it would cause if they learned of you and your friends. You could be locked up for study, or even worse. Remember, you are the only Gargoyles left. Humans will fear you.

Goliath: And betray us. (Sigh) What would you have us do?

Xanatos: My sources have discovered that those thieves were hired by a multinational company called Cyberbiotics.

Goliath: Amazing. It's like a...a living tapestry.

Xanatos: Your naivete is refreshing, Goliath. The stolen data are being held at three different locations. The first is a research center on a small island in the bay. The second is deep beneath the city in a heavily fortified base. And the third is being kept in a huge air fortress that flies in a holding pattern over the city. All three places must be hit simultaneously so none will be able to notify the others. It seems an absurd amount of protection, I know. But rest assured, the information is that important.

Goliath: Why do you want us to help you?

Xanatos: This must be done before their scientists break the encryption codes. Before they translate the spells.

Goliath: This is much different than protecting the castle. It will endanger the lives of my charges. I cannot risk that.

Xanatos: I understand, but please, think about my request. I'm sure our enemies need to use this information for some terrible purpose.

Don't worry. Everything's going according to plan.

Goliath: Where do you think you're going?

Brooklyn: To explore the city. After all, we can't spend the rest of our lives in the castle.

Lexington: He's right. If we're going to live here, we've gotta know all about this city. It's people. It's devices.

Broadway: It's food.

Goliath: Oh, very well. The three of you may explore. But stay close to the building and stay out of sight.

Elisa: Hello? Anyone there? (Gasp, sigh) There you are. Why were you hiding back there?

Goliath: I wanted to make sure you were alone.

Elisa: Eh, not to worry. You look like you could handle a whole SWAT team.

Goliath: What are you doing here?

Hudson: Just making certain you were not being ambushed.

Elisa: Uh, you guys are paranoid, even for New York. Are you coming on the tour--? Uh, what do I call you, anyway?

Hudson: Must you humans name everything? Nothing's real to you 'til you've named it, given it limits.

Elisa: It's not like that. It's just, that, well, uh. Things need names.

Hudson: Does the sky need a name? Does the river?

Elisa: The river's called the Hudson.

Hudson: (Sigh) Fine, lass, then I will be the Hudson as well.

Elisa: Great, Hudson it is. I don't know how I'm gonna keep people from noticing you.

Goliath: Simple. We'll stay on the rooftops.

Elisa: Uh, easy for you with those wings, but what about me? (Gasp, sigh) Well, that answers that question.

Goliath: Uh, (cough), coming...Hudson?

Hudson: I think not. This new world is too big, too bright, too loud. Now that I know you're all right, I'll return to guard the castle.

Elisa: Well, looks like it's just you and me. What do you want to see?

Goliath: The dangers that threaten me and my kind.

Elisa: Lighten up, will you? You're starting to bring me down, and I'm a cop.

What do you think so far?

Goliath: Such amazing changes men have made in the world while we slept. Stone streets. Finer than those the Romans built. Towers of glass and iron.

Elisa: Yeah, I'm used to it. But I guess it's pretty impressive to an...out-of-towner.

Goliath: I see no walls to guard this city. How do you protect it from invaders?

Elisa: Well, our biggest worries aren't from outside. They're from inside.

Goliath: That I am all too familiar with.

Black Gang Member: You got a problem, pal?

Bald Gang Member: Hey, maybe we can help. Had a year of auto shop. Heh, heh, heh.

Brendan: Uh, na-n-no problem. I, I-I just called the police. Uh, they'll be here any minute.

Black Gang Member: Got a passport, mook?

Brendan: Passport?

Bald Gang Member: Yeah. You're on our territory, and we don't like visitors. Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh.

Black Gang Member: Papers. Please.

Margot: Give him your wallet, Brendan.

Brendan: I, uh, I don't have much cash on me.

Stocky Gang Member: Oh, we're real sorry to hear that, Brendan.

Black Gang Member: Wha--?

Elisa: Aren't you boys late for your 4H club meeting?

Stocky Gang Member: Man, it just keeps gettin' better, don't it?

Elisa: Police.

Bald Gang Member: Police, huh? Ah, we're very impressed.

Elisa: I'm warning you guys.

Black Gang Member: You're warni-

Elisa: Have it your way.

Black Gang Member: It's a monster!

Bald Gang Member: Trash it!

Brendan: S-Stay back! Margot! Run!

Goliath: Human gratitude?

Elisa: I guess. You know, Goliath? You may be the best thing to happen to this city in a long time.

Broadway: I've never seen so many wonders.

Lexington: Look. Ah, I've-I've got to see how it works.

Brooklyn: W-Wait!

Lexington: What a beautiful device.

Vinnie: Huh? Oh, oh, no!! Ah! Ahhh! Uh! Ah! Uh, uh. Uh! No! Aaaahhhh!!!

Lexington: Wait! Come back!

Brooklyn: Goliath said not to let anybody see us.

Lexington: I didn't mean to let him see me. I just wanted to look at his machine.

Broadway: Be careful.

Lexington: I-It looks easy enough. Whoooooooaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!

Brooklyn: Maybe we better not tell Goliath about this.

Elisa: Heh, we're probably the only couple in the Park who don't have to worry about muggers.

Goliath: This world is just as savage as the one I remember.

Elisa: You're judging it the way humans have judged you. I mean, sure, the city shows an ugly face sometimes, but... There's more to it than that. There's beauty here. Unh, mom's that sing to their kids, the way my mom used to.

Elisa: What do you want?

Bruno: We're just tying up loose ends. Once you're out of the way we'll hunt down those others ones like you.

Goliath: No. I won't... let you.

Bruno: What makes you think you've got a choice.

Elisa: Goliath.

Bruno: Cease firing! They won't get far.

Goliath: Mmmm. What is wrong with me?

Elisa: This is what's wrong. They pumped you full of something. And this is how they found us.

Goliath: What is it?

Elisa: A radio transmitter.

Goliath: Hmmmm. Some form of magic that led them to us?

Elisa: That's one way of putting it. Look. Some kind of manufacturer's logo.

Goliath: But how did this... uhm, transmitter... get on me?

Elisa: Good question.

Eeeeeasy, boy. Easy. Go on. Go on. Go. Go. There, let 'em chase Rover instead of us. (Grunt) Come on. Let's get out of here before something else happens.

Hudson: It's about time you lads came home.

Brooklyn: This city is a fascinating place.

Broadway: There are underground tubes with giant metal snakes.

Lexington: Lights so bright they turn night into day.

Brooklyn: Huge metal ships.

Broadway: All kinds of food!

Hudson: Have you seen Goliath?

Lexington: W-we thought he'd be back by now. It's almost dawn.

Hudson: Aye, that's what worries me.

Goliath: Too late. I-I'll never make it back be-before sunrise.

Elisa: Before sunrise?

Goliath: Helpless. During the day, no defense.

Elisa: I don't get it. What happens at sunrise?

Goliath: You'll see.

Elisa: Goliath, we gotta move. (Gasp) Goliath. Goliath!

Bruno: There she goes!

Female Commando: Where's the beast?

Bruno: We'll track him later with the transmitter. Get her!

Fan out.

Bruno: That takes care of that.

Elisa: Goliath? Are you okay?

Goliath: Of course.

Elisa: That sedative seems to have worn off.

Goliath: Sleep rejuvenates us. You stayed with me throughout the entire day?

Elisa: Yeah, well, someone had to make sure those comic book rejects didn't find you.

Goliath: Thank you. It is very possible that... you saved my life.

Elisa: So now we're even.

Goliath: I must return. They'll be worried about me.

Elisa: I understand. So, uh, later tonight?

Hudson: Don't worry, lads. He'll be back. We didn't survive a thousand years sleep just to lose him now.

Brooklyn: I hope you're right. Look!

We were worried about you.

Broadway: What happened?

Goliath: It appears we have enemies.

Xanatos: We're ready for him now, Owen?

Goliath: Given what happened, I wish you had accompanied us last night, Hudson.

Brooklyn: Hudson?

Hudson: Aye, it's my name. And what would you make of it?

Broadway: It's a fine name.

Lexington: Hudson. I-I-I like it.

Brooklyn: We should choose names, too. Names that suit our new lives here.

Goliath: Oh? And what might they be?

Brooklyn: Ummmm, Brooklyn. I'm Brooklyn.

Broadway: Broadway.

Lexington: Mm, Lexington. Do you like it?

Goliath: They're all fine names. I guess he'll need one as well now.

Brooklyn: Oh, I've got one for him, too. From now on, you're Bronx.

Lexington: H-ho, I think he likes it.

Goliath: You wish to see me, Xanatos.

Xanatos: Goliath, there's someone here I want you to meet. An old acquaintance, I believe.

Goliath: Who? (Gasp) You. You're alive.

Demona: Goliath. My love.

Goliath: My Angel. It really is you.

Demona: Oh, Goliath. All the days that I've dreamed of you and this moment.

Xanatos: (Cough, cough) I'm very happy for you both.

Demona: This man has brought us together, my love. We owe our reunion to David Xanatos.

Goliath: But, uh, how? Y-You were shattered by the Vikings.

Demona: No. I feared for your safety, so I left the castle to find you. But I lost my way and the sun rose before I could return.

Goliath: But how did you survive all these centuries?

Demona: When I returned to the castle, the Magus had already turned you to stone. I begged him to cast his spell on me, so that we might awaken together.

Xanatos: I saw her a year ago and was so impressed, I acquired her for my private collection. Then after I woke you up, it seemed plausible that a trip to the castle might have the same effect on her.

Goliath: With you alive, I can start to live again as well.

Demona: As you said, you and I are one, now and forever.

Hudson: Lass! Is it really you?

Brooklyn: Is it possible?

Broadway: How did you-?

Demona: I'll answer your questions later. It's just so good to see all of you again. My love, I must ask a favor of you.

Goliath: Anything.

Demona: Xanatos has told me of the disks that were stolen from him.

Goliath: He wants our help in retrieving them.

Demona: Yes, and I think we should help him, out of gratitude for reuniting us if nothing else.

Goliath: I agree. And perhaps by helping him, we can rid ourselves of the humans who hunt us. Besides, with you by my side I can do anything.

Xanatos: I've explained the strengths and weaknesses of each fortress and given you what I think are the best plans of attack. I've also given you precise directions for finding the disks.

Goliath: We will take the Air Fortress. You three will breach the tower.

Brooklyn: Cool!

Goliath: What?

Broadway: It's a new word we learned last night.

Lexington: It indicates a positive response.

Goliath: Ah, er. Hudson, the underground base is yours, but, take Bronx with you.

Hudson: I'm perfectly capable of--

Goliath: Take him with you. He needs the exercise. Be careful, all of you. Humans are much more dangerous in these times.

Hudson: Come on, then.

Brooklyn: Let's go!

Goliath: Godspeed, lads. They'd better not be harmed.

Almost there.
The disk will be well guarded, no doubt.

Demona: If humans wish to throw away their worthless lives guarding it, that's their concern. This way.

Air Fortress Guard: Hold it right there.

Demona: You won't fire those guns in here. You could damage the airship.

Air Fortress Guard: Don't bet your life on it, monster.

Goliath: It's too risky.

Air Fortress Guard: Stand back. I'm warning you!

Goliath: The gunfire may alert the others. We'd better hurry. Wait. What are you doing?

Demona: What does it look like? I'm making sure they don't cause us more trouble later.

Goliath: No. To kill in the heat of battle is one thing. But not like this.

Demona: The centuries have made you weak, Goliath.

Lexington: The magic in this century is so, so...

Brooklyn: Cool?

Lexington: Exactly.

Broadway: Come on. Let's do it!

Brooklyn: Xanatos said it's four floors down.

Broadway: O-ooh, this isn't like the elevators back at the castle.

Lexington: Hmm, not enough room to glide down.

Brooklyn: Well, we'll just use this rope here in the middle.

One. Two. Three. Four. Looks like this is it.

Broadway: This is easy. We'll have that disk and be back in time for supper. A late supper.

Brooklyn: Heh, sorry, wrong floor.

Lexington: Now what?

Brooklyn: Where is the disk?

Lexington: Let's see.

Got it.

Brooklyn: I think it's time to go.

Lexington: We did it!

Brooklyn: Ye-eah. Let's get back to the castle.

Hudson: I'm still not sure how we got talked into doing this. Here's a problem.

Cyberbiotics Guard: I don't know what sort of thing you are, but I'm betting you're not bulletproof.

Hudson: Aye, that's a wager you'd win.

Underground Fortress Commander: What on earth?

Hudson: Ha! Come boy!

Aach, I'm getting too old for this.
We'll be sitting ducks in here, right enough.
I don't know, boy, but any *port in the store*--
Aak, away with ya. You need to be losing some weight, and that's a fact. I hope this wee thing's worth the aches I'll be feeling later.

Air Fortress Commander: Stations One and Two have been breached. We've lost two thirds of the data.

Demona: Wrong. You've lost it all.

Air Fortress Commander: What are you? Oh! Oh! No!

Goliath: Your worst nightmare.

Demona: Mission accomplished.

Hurry Goliath!

Goliath: What have you done?

Demona: (Cough) Come on. (Cough) We have to get out of here.

Goliath: No. We can't just leave them here.

Demona: Let's go! Now!

Elisa: Goliath?

Xanatos: My friends, you have my profound thanks. Rest assured that the knowledge on these disks will be put to beneficial use for humans and gargoyles alike.

Goliath: I have promised to meet a friend. I'll be back soon.

Demona: A friend? Who? Not one of us.

Goliath: No. A human. Elisa Maza.

Demona: Aside from Xanatos, we have no human friends, nor should we. Humanity is our enemy, Goliath. I thought you learned that a millenium ago.

Goliath: I cannot make war upon an entire world. Doesn't Xanatos prove that there are good humans as well as bad?

Demona: Can you forgive the humans for what they did to our kind?

Goliath: The ones responsible for that have been dead for a thousand years.

Demona: Then their descendants shall pay! I will have blood for blood!

Goliath: You said the centuries have changed me. They've changed you, too. You've become hard, unforgiving. You're not as I remember you. I'm going to see my friend now.

Demona: So be it.

Xanatos: Goliath, it seems, is too hard to control. Hm. A pity.

Elisa: Where have you been? I've been looking all over town for you.

Goliath: Why?

Elisa: Three Cyberbiotics installations have reported robberies by some kind of creatures. And I saw you and another gargoyle flying away from the plane wreck. What's this all about, Goliath?

Goliath: The disks were stolen from Xanatos. We returned them to him.

Elisa: Remember this? I traced that emblem. It's the logo of the robotics firm that's owned by, heh, are you ready? Xanatos Enterprises.

Goliath: Are you saying that Xanatos is responsible for the attack in the park?

Elisa: That's exactly what I'm saying. He probably planted that bug on you himself.

Goliath: But those are the same men who stole the disks from him.

Elisa: Goliath, nothing was stolen, I checked. Those disks were Cyberbiotics property. He must have staged the theft to trick you into stealing the disks. He used you. He's been using you from the beginning. Listen, Goliath, we haven't known each other very long, and I know you don't have any good reason to trust humans. But you've got to trust somebody in this world, and I think you'd be better off with me than Xanatos. H-mm, you won't regret it.

Xanatos: I'm afraid the gargoyles have outlived their usefulness. I can't count on their loyalty. But now, with the data on those disks, I can bring their replacements on-line.

Owen: Three hours until dawn. We need only to wait until they sleep again an--

Demona: No. You need to test these replacements, do you not?

Brooklyn: (Sigh) You know? I think I'm gonna like this century.

Broadway: Yeah, we had a little trouble adjusting at first, but, I think everything's gonna be fine now. Whoa!

Xanatos: Attack.

Broadway: What are those things?

Lexington: I think it's safe to say they're not our friends.

Xanatos: What did I tell you, Owen? A vast improvement. They're steel instead of stone. They don't sleep during the day. They can fly instead of glide. And best of all, they're one hundred percent obedient.

Goliath: Give him to me.

Hudson: What's all the noise?

Never a dull moment, is there boy?

Xanatos: Hmm, my Steel Clan isn't performing as well as I had hoped.

Demona: There's only one robot left.

Xanatos: I think it's up to us, my dear.

Elisa: Police business.

Lexington: Uh, what's going on?

Broadway: I don't know, but it's not over yet.

Goliath: Quickly.

Brooklyn: We won, dude!

Goliath: Dude?

Demona: You haven't won anything, fools.

Goliath: What are you doing?!

Xanatos: Hold it! Let's just let them play out their little drama, shall we?

Demona: Goliath, you're a fool. But, then, you always were, weren't you? If you'd only taken the rest of our clan away from the castle that night. The plan was perfect.

Goliath: Plan?

Demona: It would have succeeded.

Goliath: What plan?

Demona: I made a bargain with the Captain. I was to get us all out of the castle so that the Vikings could sack it.

Goliath: What?!

Demona: It would have worked. And after the humans were gone, we would have had the castle all to ourselves. But you ruined it. You had to protect the humans. You made us stay at the castle when we should have been with you. When the Vikings attacked, the Captain said he'd protect us. But I didn't trust him. I've stayed alive because I don't trust anyone.

Goliath: But why? Why did you do it?

Demona: You can ask me that? After how they treated us, they had to pay! All humanity has to pay for what they did to our kind!

Goliath: There is good and evil in all of us, human and gargoyle alike. You should know that more than anyone. Don't you see? None of this would have happened if it weren't for you.

Demona: Don't say that! Goliath, this is your last chance. Humanity is a poison that must be purged from this planet. Together, you and I can create a new world for our kind. You trusted me once, you loved me once. We have found each other again after a thousand years of solitude. Does that mean nothing to you? Very well, then. If you are not my ally, then you are my enemy. I have a name, too, Goliath. The humans gave it to me long ago. You should know it before you die. I am Demona. Goodbye, Goliath.

Goliath: She wanted me to destroy humanity! I think I'll start with you!

Xanatos: Go ahead. Without me, you'd still be gathering moss.

Elisa: No, Goliath! Don't do this.

Goliath: Give me one good reason not to drop him.

Elisa: Because if you do, you're the same as Demona.

Hudson: She's right, lad. Is that what you want?

Goliath: Ah-rrrrr, no.

Hudson: You did the right thing, lad.

Goliath: Do you think she survived?

Hudson: If she did, we'll know soon enough, I imagine.

Brooklyn: Hey, where are my sunglasses? Thanks, Bronx.

Broadway: Wish I had time for a snack.

Lexington: You just ate.

Broadway: Yeah, I know. Chinese food. It was good, too. But for some reason, about an hour later I was hungry again.

Goliath: It's nice to know I have at least one human friend in this new world.

Elisa: I hope you have more, lots more. But whether you do or not, I'll always be your friend, Goliath. Same time tomorrow night?

Goliath: I wouldn't miss it.

Elisa: Good. Maybe we'll catch a Giants game.

Goliath: Giants?

Elisa: I wonder if this city's ready for you guys.

Supervising Producer



Story Editor

Story by

Teleplay by

With the Voice Talents of
Brooklyn, Magus, OwenJEFF BENNETT
Princess KatharineKATH SOUCIE

Voice Casting and Dialogue Director

Development Inspirational Designs By

Animation Directors


Art Director & Location DesignHIROSHI OHNO
Inspirational Layout DesignTED BLACKMAN
BackgroundsKAZUO NAGAI
Storyboard RevisionsEDDY HOUCHINS
Production CoordinatorLAURA V. PERROTTA
Animation SupervisorSHIGERU YAMAMOTO
Animation and Animation DirectorTAMA PRODUCTIONS



Additional Production Facilities

Music By

Title Theme By

Post Production ManagerCHERYL MURPHY
Post Production SupervisorJEFFREY ARTHUR
Sound Dubbing SupervisorMARK VON DER HEIDE
Supervising Film EditorRICHARD HARKNESS
Managing Film EditorELEN ORSON
Assistant Film EditorsSHANNON SCUDDER
Track ReadingSKIP CRAIG
Re-recording MixersTERRY PORTER, C.A.S.
Scoring Music EditorLIZ LACHMAN
Production AssistantDAVID WITTING
Script CoordinatorsDENISE BYRNE
Administrative CoordinatorJOHANNE BEAUDOIN
Script SupervisorANITA LISH
Talent CoordinatorsJULIE MORGAVI
Story CoordinatorNANCI BATTELLE
Art CoordinatorKAREN SILVA
Post Production AssistantsSTEVE WERNER
Shipping CoordinatorCRAIG SIMPSON