Future Plans

#1 Add a feedback button to the bottom of the pages...
#2 See if I can hit up the JAVA code to automate the entire process of registering the User information into the HTML. Right now this is done by hand entering the user info from email and ICQ pages into a template HTML document. Ponder time....
#3 Add in my often used reference links for both Lightwave and Video Toaster / Flyer. Maybe create a page off the ICQ list page for each to hold these.
#4 IF I get responces back from the people who use World Construction Set I will put up a listing for them. Guys ?


History Channel

09/04/97 Copied ICQ information and download link to front index page to make it a bit more prominent for the benefit of those who don't know what ICQ is.
09/03/97 Added forms based registration information for each list. Now if I can figure out how to tell the Geocities CGI script for forms to mail to output the results to special email account. Anyone...anyone?
09/01/97 Created the Future Plans and History Page to keep track of revs...
08/29/97 Created and released the site !


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