Dana's Big Bad Biography

Pets None at the moment
Work I'm a billing coordinator for Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs in Lexington.
Education Graduated from the University of Kentucky in 1998 with a BA in Communication, and an emphasis in Social Influence. I also have a minor in Spanish.
Hobbies Watching home improvement/decorating shows, making my own CDs, reading, doing creative projects
Dream Car powder blue '57 Chevy Bel Air
Interests and Stuff I Like Watching John Hughes movies and HGTV, furthering my knowledge of HTML, and chatting online
Collections Pez dispensers, mini versions of famous buildings and postcards
Favorite Movies Ferris Bueller's Day Off, When Harry Met Sally, Pretty In Pink, The Full Monty, The Sure Thing
Favorite TV Shows Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Friends, American Dreams, While You Were Out, Good Eats with Alton Brown, Seinfeld, The Brady Bunch
Favorite Music Pretty much everything. I listen to anything ranging from Metallica and Ted Nugent to boy bands and easy listening.
Favorite Song I get sick of songs so easily that I can't really nail down one specific one.

Some (Potentially) Interesting Things About Me

Favorite flavor of Pez: Strawberry (but I hear Canada has a cherry flavor, which I'd like to try) Favorite Sesame Street Character: Cookie Monster - he rocks!!
Muppet I Most Resemble: Fozzie, because I tell bad jokes and sometimes people don't get them. I can't wiggle my ears, though Favorite movie: It's close between Ferris Bueller's Day Off and When Harry Met Sally
Favorite line from those movies: Ummmm, all of them Favorite pastimes: playing pool (badly) and boning up on my pop culture knowledge
Favorite place I've visited: Toss-up between Niagara Falls and New Orleans
Favorite drink: Hurricanes (I can't seem to find anyplace around here that can make them well, though Favorite flower: Tulips
Favorite author: Maeve Binchy Song that is most likely to turn me to complete mush: Misty, by Johnny Mathis
Favorite episode of The Brady Bunch: "The Subject was Noses," when Marcia gets beaned in the nose with a football. The moral of the episode - don't ditch people just because something you think is cooler comes along Coolest LP I own: Tom Jones: Live In Las Vegas

  • I have every episode of The Monkees and The Brady Bunch taped.
  • My guilty pleasure is listening to boy bands and boy band vets (well, bubble gum pop in general).
  • I sat on the jury of a murder trial in January 1999.
  • I once bought whiskey for Slaughter when they played a show at Loony Tunes in Lexington.
  • My dream job is being a researcher for one of the following: The Tonight Show, Billboard or Pop-Up Video.
  • I am an avid fan of Ireland and its culture.

    Top 10 Favorite Concerts I've Attended

    1. Tony Bennett - ever since 1993, I've been a fan of his, and for part of my high school graduation present, my parents took me up to Riverbend in Cincinnati to see him with The Smothers Brothers. It was incredible. He truly is an amazing singer, and at 78, he still is going strong.

    2. Los Lonely Boys - in December 2004, I saw these guys at the Dame. I was trepidacious about spending $10 to see them, but it was worth every penny. They played some awesome rock and blues, and I'm a fan for life. The CD didn't leave my player for two months after that. Now they're Grammy winners, and it's so incredible to think back to that time when I was able to talk to each one of them and get my CD signed. They deserve all the success they get.

    3. New Kids on the Block - this was my first concert EVER. January 13, 1990. Emblazoned in my memory forever. I was 14 at the time, and I went with four of my friends. This group is part of the reason why I am still a fan of so-called "boy bands" to this day. The whole boy band realm is really a pop culture phenomenon.

    4. Billy Joel & Elton John - I'd thought about buying tickets to this one, but the cheapest ones were $46 upper arena seats, so I remained content to dream about going. But one of the media reps I work with had some free ones in the upper deck, and nothing appeals to me quite like free tickets, so I nabbed 'em. Turned out to be quite a coup - it was the best concert I've been to so far, I think, in terms of entertainment value. They were their own opening act. Billy's segment was more entertaining, since he actually interacted with the crowd, but it was a great opportunity to see two tremendous musicians in one place.

    5. Brother - this isn't a well-known band, but I saw one night that a "celtic rock" band was playing, and being a fan of Celtic culture, I decided to check them out. They were incredible - a really energetic bunch of guys from Australia, Holland, and the US who play a unique brand of music. What I found most interesting was that they incorporate the bagpipes and the digeridoo into their songs. You can read more about them at their website.

    6. Aerosmith - the decision to go to this show was very much last-minute, and I'm glad I went. These guys sound good on CD, but even better in person. They are another fine example of how a band can maintain its popularity across the decades.

    7. Brian Setzer Orchestra - my brother, who is a big Stray Cats fan, took me to this show in Cincinnati on my birthday in 1998. The joint was rockin' for the entire 2 hours plus that Brian and his guys were performing. Brian truly strikes me as a displaced soul, born in the '50s, but with a soul born in the music of the '40s.

    8. Collective Soul - I've always liked Collective Soul, but I never really thought about going to one of their shows until I heard the first single from their Dosage disc ("Heavy"). I figured it would be a great song to hear live, and I was right. Plus, the free tickets I scammed off of a radio station I worked with at the time didn't hurt.

    9. Loverboy - another radio station freebie. It's always cool to see a band that was so huge at one time, but has been since reduced to playing the club circuit. These guys sounded incredible. Played a lot of old favorites, and some from their latest release. I did get to talk with the drummer and bass player, which was cool.

    10. Slaughter - yet another radio station perk. My boss at the time called me from the club where they were playing and asked me to go to a liquor store to get the band some Blanton's whiskey. Cost me $45.95 (I did get reimbursed ;-)), and I even got to hang out on the bus for a while with the band!! Not a big deal to most, but it's an experience most people never have. Not too long after the show, the guitar player was killed in a car accident.