Welcome to Pop Culture Heaven

Me in Rupp's penalty box

Welcome to my homepage! Okay, so maybe it's not exactly "Pop Culture Heaven," but it's pretty close. You see, I am known by many of my closest friends as the "Pop Culture Maven" because I watch a lot of TV and listen to a lot of music. And I tend to remember a lot of what I see and hear. I have over 130 tapes of assorted songs and probably at least 500 CDs. I have every "Brady Bunch," "Seinfeld," "I Love Lucy," and "Monkees" episode on tape. I listen to everything from Motley Crue to Tony Bennett, and the The Chieftains to Twisted Sister. So I figure all this qualifies me in some respect to call this what I have.

Let me fill you in on who I am. I'm Dana, a 29-year-old from Lexington, Kentucky. I graduated in May of '98 from the University of Kentucky with a BA in communication and a minor in Spanish. I work at Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs, a law firm in Lexington with offices in seven other cities around Kentucky, Tennessee, and Indiana. When I'm not busy, I spend my time watching HGTV, "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy", "American Dreams", and doing creative art projects, among other things.

Click here to look at some of my favorite links (pop culture or otherwise).

Click here to look at some great hockey-related sites.

Here's where you can read the extended club remix version of my "biography".

The Ferris Bueller Take on Social Darwinism

"Only the meek get pinched -- the bold survive."

Matthew Broderick, Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Click here to find out why my nickname is Daneo.

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