Cassandra Lost

It was an average day at the Harem, considering The Master was about to come back home with a new group of ladies for the Harem. Everyone was having a rough time of it trying to organize a party without cutting any heads in the process. Even the goats were having a hard time of things. In all the melee of taking orders from the various women who organized all the parties, Attilla went out to the garden and horse barn to get some veggies and hay, per Etain's orders.

Unknown to Etain or Attilla, Cassandra was kept in the equipment shed along with all the hoes, and other utensils Attilla had to get.. Cassieho was hiding behind the riding lawnmower that was used to mow the stuff the goats wouldn't eat.. 'tilla walked into the shed and went straight for a small hoe, situated at the far end, away from the lawnmower. She picked up the hoe, and reached for a trowel and basket, and then left the shed, not bothering to close the door behind her.

Cassandra noticed the door was left open so she bolted out as fast as she could. She ran so fast the goats had a hard time catching up with her, and then she climbed up a rose trellis on the side of the chateau, and in through Troll Princess' window, upsetting all the animals inside her room.

The cat's caterwauling alerts the house to the possibility somone broke in and they all rush to the second floor, bypassing the elevator and crowding the stairs. Troll Princess just happens to be the first on the scene, cause she was going to her room to get a bottle of Beano to have on hand for the beer. As everyone rushes in to grab whatever may run out, Cassandra bolts out the door and knocks down Troll Princess in the process.

Cassandra sees the elevator and then the stairs and runs to the elevator to escape all the women on the stairs and closes it before anyone can run and stop her. Some people run upstairs and others downstairs to try to catch the witchy menace before she causes too much trouble.

Panic ensues once Etain realizes she has to go and bring the goats in to catch Her royal stupidness, and check on the souffles that are cooking!!! She calls Alexa, the cook, to come and check the food and make sure it is okay. The problem is, Alexa went up to the Attic with DragonLady to get the handcuffs needed for the capture of Cassandra, and Cassandra is keeping the elevator door closed.

So, Etain decides to get the goats inside, not realizing that they can't help, cause Cassieho is holding out inside the elevator. (nice mess of things, no???) As all this is occuring, Unnoticed by everyone, Methos enters the chateau with all his new ladies! This upsets the ROG alot, since he is used to a royal welcome. As his only means of defense , he screams: Ladies what's going on in here?!?!?!?

Upon hearing The Master, everyone rushes into the front hall, and Cassandra , hearing everything from inside her safe haven rushes out of the elevator and outside, with a passel of goats behind her. With all the running on the ground floor, the souffles fall, yet nobody notices.

Troll Princess starts in with her side of the story, and Etain follows in with her's and everyone starts clamoring " 'Cassandra got loose'' Cassieho is running about the chateau!!!!' ' That infernal one got away!!!! ' I had to try to get her out of the elevator. ' ' Where is She??? ' What happened???' "

"Ladies shut up!!!!" Etain says, " Where's Attilla, I thought she went out to get some stuff out of the garden!" As Etain says this, Attilla saunters in with a couple of baskets full of tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, peas' and other sundry foodstuffs.

Attilla asks, " What's going on???"

Everyone asks, " Have you seen Cassandra???" Attilla says, "No, I've been in the garden all morning, doing as Etain asked me."

Troll Princess and Dragonlady say " Attilla, did you go into the equipment shed today??"

Attilla says " Yes, I went in to get a hoe and trowel and some other stuff."

Dragon Lady says " That is where we keep Cassandra, did you know that???" "No" says Attilla, " I let her out didn't I???"

"Yes, you definitely did, and now you have to go get her and the goats, cause they chased her out, apparently. Oh, and don't kill her, we have need for a slave here."

"Damn" says 'Tilla, under her breath.

Since everybody was being concerned about the disappearance of Cassandra, nobody noticed all the food was still cooking, and as a result, the cake and the souffle's and b'steeya and all the other stuff was getting thoroughly burnt to a crisp, or boiled to steam.

Thus ended what would be an otherwise perfectly good party. Upon noticing the terror that was the remains of Supper, Etain called up a short notice caterer, who sent some food, and supper was redeemed, even if Cassandra wasn't. All the new ladies were invited in, and the feast proceeded, albeit without Attilla, who was still chasing Cassandra.

The End

by Etain©1997
The Collection