This page is dedicated to my favorite Highlander immortal, Methos. It's my collection of Methos pics and Highlander links. For more info on Highlander and Methos, visit the official Rysher Highlander Page.

The Collection

Here's my collection of Methos pics.

BFLG Collection

See Methos in that famous blue face paint!

Forum Fiction

May Day Celebration

Guess who the Harem uses as a maypole! By yours truly.

Gamesters Trilogy

The tale of Jean Marie's induction into the Harem.
All three chapters are up! [NC-17]

Mab's Induction

Find out how Mab got whisked away by the ROG.
Beware: Mab likes to cuss:-)

Cassandra Lost, Methos Forever

Etain's story of the day Cassie thought she could escape!

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Take a journey down to the dungeon and visit Attilla's lair.

Fanfic Links

Harem Chronicles

Here's the links to all the Harem fanfic.

The Old Guy's Attic

Kelly's archive of the Around The World stories

Bouquet's Fanfic Page

Methos Links

The Harem Tent
Visit the homesite of the Methos Harem.

The Chateau
Tents get awful drafty. See where the Harem really lives.

Methosluvr's Page
The best place for Methos pics and the source for most pics here.

The Methos Madness Homepage
Fanomethos' Methos, Methos, Methos Page
Lori's Anglicon Pics
"Another one of my favorites" is my fave, too!

Tent Dwellers

Patches in the Highlands Highlander Hunks
The Barge izzi's page
The Mouse House Immortal Phantom's page
Tree's House Harem Dancer's page
Methosess' Tribute to the ROG Troll Heart's Page
Mafdet's Page Trollbabyfeet's Loft
M's page Twig's Page
Harem Hostess

Email me at, or at

Still under ongoing improvement. Last updated September 11, 1997.

DISCLAIMER: Highlander and its associated names and characters are the trademarks and property of Davis/Panzer Productions and is distributed by Rysher Entertainment.

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