This is Viperdude's long awaited webpage

This is Jonathan's page, also known as Viperdude on IRC. The Main Purpose of this page is to tell everyone about myself.
I made another site for a school project which I added to this page. If you follow this link you will be sent to that address. I am rather proud of my work so please go check it out. Another site of mine.

        Well, my friends I am now in University. I am in my first term at Concordia, and the mascot is a stinger. Which is a cool little symbol for clothes and hats etc.
Let's see what else...I am taking four courses...but we won't get into that for the moment. I have met a few nice people in my classes. It is always nice to have friendly people in your classes because it makes class go faster as well as having someone to keep you motivated to do well and especially to get your butt to class. Also I re-met some old friends from high school so that was good as well. So wish me luck in my studies and I will do the same.

Later friends.

Peace. :)

This is my cat Crush. *Meow* It always pleasant and rewarding to know that when I get home and open the door my wonderful,totally adorable and playful friend is waiting for me. We all needs friends and the more we have the happier we will be. I am happy to have Crush as my friend.


    The date today is March,16. This date is special for me. Not in a really emotional sentimental way but because this date in known in sports circles as the day MARCH MADNESS begins. This madness, which is a 64 team U.S college basketball tournment lasting around 3 weeks, always excites me because I get to see sports at its purest form. These young players play the sport of basketball because they love the game and are good at it. They don't get paid for their services and that shows me that they play the game for more reasons than just money. They because they have a God given talent for the game and for their own personally pride. Being part of a team is a very special feeling and everyone wins or loses together. That's my little sermon for the day.

So in a few hours the first games of the tournament begin. I will be there in front of the television, watch the action unfold before my eyes as my pen stands forever at the ready to write down on my brackets who will go on to the next round of play and who goes home. Begin the MADNESS!!!

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