Planning on going to Disneyland and want some advice from the stars?

The Happiest Horoscopes on Earth!
by, Ali
Though some are skeptical, others believe the stars can tell us a lot
about ourselves. Depending on what time of the year we were born, what
position the planets were in and so on, we can tell if we are out-going or
shy, traditional or original and many other things. Astrologers and those
who believe in astrology also believe that by watching the stars, we can
predict our future.
For those of you who are astrologically inclined, and for those of you
who are looking for a creative way to plan your next Disneyland trip, we here
at Operation Preserve Disneyland would like to help. New "Disneyscopes" will
be posted monthly. But first, read on to see what type of guest you are,
according to the zodiac!
ARIES-- March 21st to April 20th
If you go in a group (and you so often do), you usually lead it. Can we
count the reasons why? You're the first sign (of course), love power (who
doesn't), and are known for being an extrovert (you just have to stand out,
don't you). "In charge" is practically written all over you. Some may see
your independence as a sign of a loner, but really, that seems to make you a
better leader, because you're your own person.
When someone is looking for a ram, they should look towards the
mountains: Big Thunder, Space and the Matterhorn. You love the big and fast
rides, and can also be found on the likes of the Rocket Rods (when they're up
and running, of course) and Tea Cups. Aries are known for being spontaneous,
so if the ram even thinks of Disneyland, that could be the time to go! As a
fire sign, summer best suits you, but you also like the winter (say, around
New Years).
TAURUS-- April 21st to May 21st
The bull loves structure and consistancy. Don't you love the fact that
the place is so clean? Isn't it great that the park works like clockwork?
They're so on-schedule, it's amazing! "A place for everything, and
everything in it's place." Normally, Disneyland is a safe place, and the
cautious Taurus feels right at home.
You enjoy going in small groups or with one other person. Groups too
large can be indecisive, and you might not get done all that you want to
accomplish. You definitely prefer going on the week days, if you have the
option. Any ride that you don't have to worry about getting sick on (can we
say "Tea Cups"?) is usually the ride for you. Passive ("Whatever you want to
do is fine with me.") but stubborn ("There is no way you're getting me on
Small World!"), Taurus is ultimately a good person to take along.

GEMINI-- May 22nd to June 21st
As a natural extrovert, you love Diseyland! All those people around
you, enjoying themselves, just makes you all the more happy!
The twin is a thinker, a life-long student. You're quick, you're
adaptable, and you're constantly curious. When you ride the rides, you
wonder how all the special effects are done. You might even figure some of
them out, and tell everyone around you. Oh, you don't mean to spoil
anything. You love it when you figure something out. Therefore, you are
attracted to anything with audio-animatronics. Or, if you've figured that
out, you go for the roller coasters. You enjoy going with people who can
think fast and don't mind being in crowds, cause you'll be going when there
are lots of people!
CANCER-- June 22nd to July 23rd
Memories... If you've been going to Disneyland since you were little,
watch out. You tend to be very sentimental, and memories are very important
to you. "Remember the Electrical Parade,?" You might say. "I loved that.
I remember seeing that with my parents..." Or maybe, "Remember when they
were building Splash Mountain, and you could watch them build it through a
hole in the fence? (Sigh)" Hey, some are silly, but they're your memories!
The crab can often be seen with a camera, in line for whatever ride they
loved as a kid, be it Small World or the Enchanted Tikki Room. People who
hang around Cancers generally have good feelings since cancers often send out
good vibes. A time when it is not so crowded is a good time for the crab to
go to Disneyland, so they're not so rushed. Try the week days, when most of
the country doesn't have the day off.
LEO-- July 24th to August 23rd
The show-off of the signs. You're that person in the elevator chanting
the monologue in the Haunted Mansion, or saying the jokes with the skipper in
the Jungle Cruise. Partly because it's fun, but mostly because you just
adore being the center of attention! Like Aries, you also like to lead.
Lions are great motivators, and others will follow you, quite willingly.
The best times for a Leo to go to Disneyland are... whenever the Leo
deems it worthy, of course! When you decide to go, you seem to attract a
following of friends, too. You can't help it; people are just drawn to you--
and don't you know it! Oh, you're not conceited, of course. A high
self-confidence level is just as natural to you as breathing, that's all!
VIRGO-- August 24th to September 23rd
Nothing will go wrong as long as Virgo's around! While some people make
preparations for bad things, the virgin will analyze the you-know-what out of
every possible situation. And they know every possible situation, because
they worry constantly.
Don't take it the wrong way. Some people just worry. If it weren't for
the worriers, you might not even get to Disneyland! Virgos are all for
teamwork and helping out, so they might offer to drive, or organize the trip
(because they're the best organizers, don't you know). The virgo will know
what ride to go on when, where to eat, what show(s) to see, and so on and so
forth. Education is a plus for the virgin, and on their list of things to do
might be something others forgot about: Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln.
LIBRA-- September 24th to October 23rd
And here we have the lovers of beauty! All the landscaping,
architecture and lovely scents in the air make the Libra tingly all over!
You can usually find a Libra in "pretty" places, such as Main Street or New
Orleans Square. Of course, you never know. Those carriers of the scales
have so much energy, they might be on the other side of the park before you
can say "Bob's your uncle"! You might find the littler libras running all
over the place on Tom Sawyers Island (for the time being) or Toon Town.
Libras make sure everything's fair, so everyone in their group has a
chance to say what they want to do. They are the cheerleaders of the group,
and everyone around them can feel their motivational vibes. Libras can go to
Disneyland on any day when the weather is to their liking.
SCORPIO-- October 24th to November 22nd
What can you say about a Scorpio? "Strong presence" comes to mind.
Steady, focused, the scorpion's astrological description is much more serious
than they actually are. Of course there are rules, and rules are to be
obeyed. But you can still have fun, right? Right! Go to Disneyland with a
Scorpio, and prepare to enjoy yourself!
Scorpios tend to like going in smaller groups, especially when it's not
so crowded. In their need for stability, they will always go on the same
rides, possibly even in the same order, but they love it. With their
fool-proof method of trial and stick-to-it, they seem to know the best places
to eat, what rides to ride while everyone else is watching the night shows,
and so on
SAGITARIUS-- November 23rd to December 21st
Ah yes, the perfect host(ess)! If anyone's really going to get this
trip together, it'll be you. Sure, the Virgo can organize it. Of course
Aries and Leo will decide who will lead the people. But you, noble
Sagitarius, shall supervise it all! It's one of your many talents, of course!
Idealistic as you are, you like Disneyland for what Walt always
envisioned: a place for everyone to play. And when you go there, that's
exactly what you want to do. Rides, rides, rides! Lines aren't exactly your
idea of a good time, but you love being around others, too. Try going on a
Friday. They're not as crowded as the weekends, but you sure won't be alone.
CAPRICORN-- December 22nd to January 20th
The fact that you're represented by a half goat/half fish-thing can mean
you have a dual personality (not to be confused with multiple personalities)!
On one hand, you sometimes seem rigid, or even (gasp!) dull. But this is
entirely not true. On the contrary, those born a Capricorn tend to have the
best sense of humor, and can't seem to resist a good time!
You tend to be a hard-worker, so it's not necessarily a question of when
is the best time for you to go to Disneyland. The more appropriate question
is when do you have time to go to Disneyland. When you do find time, you're
great company to be around. You're pretty impartial to what rides you ride,
or whether you're in a group or a couple. But, for your sense of stability,
there'll always be that one thing you have to do. "Okay," you'll say, "But
we have to ride Star Tours." Or, "okay, but we have to stop at the Indiana
Jones Trading Post." All in all, Disneyland reminds you to smile. Something
you should do more of.
AQUARIUS-- January 21st to February 19th
The water-bearer is definitely on the hub of everything. Quite the
social one, you tend to go in groups. But what to do first? Tommorowland!
You just love new things and ideas of the future! Oh, but wait-- the Indiana
Jones ride! That one's so much fun! Or no-- gotta go on Mr. Toad's Wild
ride! That's one of the coolest rides in Fantasyland, after all!
The point is, you're so into everything, you tend to pull yourself in
all different directions. Fortunately, you can go with the flow of the other
people and do what they want, too. It all works out. Just wear a goofy (or
Donald) hat and go have fun!
PISCES-- February 20th to March 20th
The dreamer. Since you're naturally drawn to pleasure and things
involving the imagination, every day is the perfect day to go to Disneyland!
Now if you could only find the money...
The fish is incredibly flexible (as in "adaptable", not
"contortionist"). You can go in a big group or part of a couple. Either
way-- you're in Disneyland! If you don't know by now, you have a tendancy to
day-dream. Others shouldn't be put off when you're staring off into space.
Actually, you pick up just about everything, and might have heard when a
parade was supposed to start when everyone else was talking. You enjoy the
dark rides, mostly, but the atmosphere (buildings, background music, etc.) is
what really makes it worth going for. You're a sucker for detail, and a
trivia buff. The stories behind the attractions and everything drive you
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